计算机软件毕业设计 有机小米质量安全追溯系统—前台管理.doc

计算机软件毕业设计 有机小米质量安全追溯系统—前台管理.doc

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计算机软件毕业设计 有机小米质量安全追溯系统—前台管理

河北农业大学信息学院 本科毕业论文 题 目: 有机小米质量安全追溯系统——前台管理 摘 要 有机小米质量安全追溯系统是通过有机小米生产、加工、运输、销售各部门录入小米各个阶段的档案信息,政府监管部门严格监督,让消费者登陆网站之后可以通过小米的生产编号清楚看到各种批号的小米的详细的生产、加工、运输、销售等信息。从而可以放心的购买小米。 有机小米质量安全追溯系统面向的对象一是消费者,二是管理者。消费者模块主要是为了让消费者清楚的了解小米从生产到销售的各个环节,查看企业介绍信息,查看曝光信息,并且可以发出投诉信息。管理者模块其主要内容是发布小米基本信息、生产档案、加工档案、运输档案、销售档案、企业介绍信息、产品推荐信息、曝光信息等。各部门建立小米的各级档案,消费者可以通过编号来查看小米的各个阶段详细信息。 在通过对有机小米质量安全追溯系统的调研与分析的基础上,尝试采用面向对象系统分析与设计方法,设计和实现本系统的模块,进行小米各级档案的添加、查询、修改、删除等功能,以及对数据库进行管理。 关键词:有机小米,质量安全追溯,MYSQL,J2EE,JSP Abstract The System of Organic Millet quality safety traceability is through the organic millet production, processing, transportation, stages of the sales departments entry millet archive information, government supervision departments strict supervision, so that consumers can through the landing site production number of millet see various batches of millet detailed production, processing, transportation, sales and other information. Thus you can rest assured that the purchase of millet. The System of Organic Millet quality safety traceability’s object one is for a consumer, the other is for managers. Mainly in order to allow consumers to clear understanding of millet from production to sales of each link, and can send the complaint information. It’s main content is released millet production basic information, archives, archives of archives processing, transportation, sales records. Company introduction information, products information, exposure information. All departments to establish the millet archives at all levels in various stages of detailed information, consumers can view the millet by number. On the basis of investigation and Analysis on Trace Organic Millet quality safety, try using the object-oriented system analysis and design method, the design and Realization of the system modules, for millet all files to add, query, modify, delete and other functions, as well as on database management Keywords: Organic Millet,quality safety traceability ,MYSQL, J2EE,JSP. 目录


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