3430.C 人民币汇率变动对我国对外贸易的影响研究 英语文献.doc

3430.C 人民币汇率变动对我国对外贸易的影响研究 英语文献.doc

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3430.C 人民币汇率变动对我国对外贸易的影响研究 英语文献

题目:人民币汇率变动对我国对外贸易的影响研究 英文文献资料: First, the core of foreign exchange reform, performance and trend analysis (A) of the RMB exchange reform in 2005 the core in the following aspects: First, the exchange rate formation mechanism reform. Since July 21, 2005, the RMB started to practice market-based, with reference to a basket of currencies, there is managed floating exchange rate system. Second, the appropriate release of the RMB appreciation. namely, the appreciation of the yuan currency to make small adjustments to the yuan against the U.S. dollar by 2.1%. The third is due to expand the floating range of RMB exchange rate. to allow the yuan-dollar exchange rate volatility for the day plus or minus 0.3%; and non-dollar currencies to the yuan exchange rate floating range extended to 3%; to expand the banks in the pricing of rights, cash and cash sale price of the benchmark rate down 1% -4% or less by the banks to decide, but also multi-day price. (B) after performance of the RMB exchange reform: exchange rate flexibility has become pronounced and the trade surplus continued to expand. RMB exchange reform in 14 months, the yuan-dollar exchange rate movements, and basic show rose slipped the characteristics of the slow movement of its own run: (1) slow its own run. from the exchange rate reform to September 21, 2006 in 291 trading days, only 2 days less than 8.11, the lowest for the July 27, 2005 of 8.1128, compared with 0.03% 8.11 depreciation, the maximum for the September 14, 2006 of 7.9461, compared with 8.11 l 2.06%, total volatility is 2%. (2) highlighted the exchange rate flexibility to achieve a two-way floating. such as: the dollar, compared with the previous trading day, the yuan in 291 Japan has 191 trading days trading float, 100 trading days to float downward. (3) trade surplus continued to expand. In 2005 Chinas trade surplus up to 101.9 billion U.S. dollars, of which the trade surplus reached 62.3 billion U.S. dollars in the second half than before the


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