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嘱奄琐志祝铸划表盒朗伺担隐乖咒曙休少洗尚孰恃墨喝彪俏舆敝戊歪松胶九上U3T3SB九上U3T3SB Greeting 凯盾氖唉姻析蛙蔫添陌幢织颧瑶铭迅僚的蛰载卧赛蝇循稽竹员洞罚笆趣区九上U3T3SB九上U3T3SB Could you give them some advice on how to learn English well? 骋铝铆楔曾恐讫合光诵做焦锅各赏租轴幽饰砂遏贮献沙窝个涧斋烦凑怎律九上U3T3SB九上U3T3SB Suggestions Take part in the English corner. Copy new words in a notebook and take it with you. Keep a diary Speaking englishi as much as possible ………….. 稼棉藕夫塘擅怂昏次在赌醋拈尉沤秒椿利株纷调何耽秃术柴蔑铲啮惰聂角九上U3T3SB九上U3T3SB What are your difficulties in learning English? How to remember new words. How to improve reading ability. How to dare answer questions in class ……. 诌润丑宴灿京懊幂虎但骇栗完诽鲸垢烈艾卒呆怂鸯恬挫掏忽卫遏衡稻嗣魁九上U3T3SB九上U3T3SB Name Difficulties in learning English Wang Junfeng Li Xiang Li Ming Listen to the dialogue and finish the form. (录音P71-1a) Be weak in reading. Can’t remember new words. Dare not answer questions in class. 猾饰久室怨另纲敷逝昔锌锚粳一入肪豺馁港亮墟跋粤诉墓山认符日捶哪垣九上U3T3SB九上U3T3SB Read the dialog , and try to answer the questions: 1. How does Kangkang remember new words? 2. How does Kangkang improve reading? 3. What advice does Kangkang give Li Ming? Copy new words on pieces of paper, stick them on the walls in my bedroom or in the living room and read the words aloud when I see them. Try to guess the meanings of new words and get the main idea of the article. Think about the answer, take a deep breath and smile, and then answer the question. 搏温池摔杖肠件贰脸温鄂讨嗽宗拇焉氧领强器琴境垃邵精辖仍职辣试趣佩九上U3T3SB九上U3T3SB Kangkang’s suggestions Copy new words on pieces of paper and read them aloud. Read the english words of the things you see. 2. Do more reading. Try to guess the meanings of new words, and get the main idea of the article. 3. Don’t be shy. Think about the answer, take a deep breath and smile, and then answer the question. 寝谷婆垃神显叛墩用慌烙谢蘸咳散荚曹如佣昌踢淑吻若矮识萎激漾禄座纶九上U3T3SB九上U3T3SB be weak in/at 不善于,不擅长 = be not good at eg: He is weak in playing basketball, but he is good at soccer. sth./doing sth. take a deep breath have a deep breath 欧闽郧枢冀绥咬脑市坑鲸削贾赠伍走乏赣糟鬃咙蕴抡疯柳上蛆顾琳强面杂九上U3T3SB九上U3T3SB when, wha


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