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1、题型与权重 单项选择题50分 名词解释5题10分 简答题5题20分 问答题2题20分 英文题15分,主要集中在简答题和名词解释 整个试卷有10分超声题目 2、历年考题中出现的名词解释和简答题 骺离骨折 充盈缺损(指胃肠壁局限性肿块性病变突入腔内,使钡剂涂布的轮廓线有局限性向内凹陷的表现,常见于肿瘤,或者: 胃肠壁局限性肿块性病变向腔内生长占据一定的空间,当钡剂充盈胃胃肠道时病变处不能被钡剂充盈而形成缺损称充盈缺损,常见于肿瘤。英文:filling defect:Filling defect is caused by a space occupying mass producing defect on the barium column……) 骨膜三角 肾自截 自然对比(nature contrast ) 死骨 青枝骨折 跳跃征 空洞 粘膜破坏 纵隔摆动 肺上沟瘤 Greenstick Fracture(Greenstick fracture occur almost exclusively during infancy and childhood.It is not easy for external force to cause the bone cortex complete break because Of its pliant,So this kind of fracture showed buckling(Or fold)(Or denting) Of the cortex without fracture lines or a transversal fracture occure in the cortex,extending into the midport Of the bone and then orienting along the longitudinal axis Ofthe bone without disrupting the opposite cortex。) 半月综合征 Kerley B线 artificial contrast(Those organs or spaces lack of natural contrast,can be rendered to be visible by means of contrast agents to create an artificial contrast. ) 膈下游离气体(某种病因导致腹膜腔内积气且随体位改变而游动,气体位于膈下,称膈下游离气体,见于消化道穿孔)) Colle’s Fracture (The fracture line is within 2-3cm from the artiular end of the radius.The fracture line passes almost transversely and the distal fragment is displaced dorsally and radially and is often associated with fracture of the styloid prosess of the ulna.this is one of the most common bone in injury.) 反“S”征(是指在胸部正位片上右上叶肺不张时,由于不张肺叶体积缩小,上叶向上移位,不张上叶的下缘与肺门肿块下缘的连线呈横位置的“S”状,称横S征,即反 S征。) 肺门舞蹈 骨质疏松 骨质软化 肺门截断征 龛影(胃壁局限性溃疡形成的凹陷为钡剂充盈,在切线位时呈局限性向胃轮廓外突出的钡影称为龛影。轴位观呈火山口样。龛影为溃疡的直接征象) 原发综合征(多见于儿童及青少年,包括原发浸润灶,淋巴管炎,肺门和纵隔淋巴结肿大,压迫支气管引起相应肺叶的不张。英文:Primary Complex:That is “primary pulmonary tuberculosis”,It occurs chiefly in children,The x-ray representations include:primary pulmonary lesion,lymphadenitis,the enlarged hilar or mediastinal lymph nodes.)心胸比值 造影检查 多普勒效应 介入放射学(interventional radiology) Stirlin Sign(激惹征?)(There is a lack of barium retention in diseased



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