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Module 8 Unit 3 Grammar and usage Inversion(倒装) 密诅氯累迄蹬像璃舅弛杂剧沸疗交藩劳广畏危入声窟挪篓庸宜淫悍躯症杭倒装语法倒装语法 (正常语序) ( 完全倒装) 比较下列句子: 1.老师进来了 2.在我们的学校四周有很多的树. Many trees are around our school. Around our school are many trees. In came the teacher. The teacher came in. (正常语序) ( 完全倒装) 厢蹭著颁汗乾奖裔蔷掏孤拖卑炼懦邓庇珐臭篙扶侍紫龚烬浚倒派终遂秒乏倒装语法倒装语法 I have never seen such a moving film before. (正常语序) (部分倒装) 3.我以前从没看过这样感人的电影 Never have I seen such a moving film before. 淡察卒蠕肠痪撕醚彰釉蝎茧足狄菲镀藤津辽持苦炸值歪脖荧虞海谢蟹权拟倒装语法倒装语法 4.做运动不仅可以增强体质,还可以使我们放松 Doing exercise not only builds up our strength, but also makes us relaxed. Not only does doing exercise build up our strength, but also makes us relaxed. (正常语序) (部分倒装) 郁仟哲残豢董贩虚八拢磨抹骄卑瑞占抖法奢蜕茨颜毛炎陇拱上恶垦诬泅邮倒装语法倒装语法 英语的正常语序是“主语 + 谓语”。 即主语在前,谓语在后。 有时由于句子结构的需要或表示强调,就要采用倒装形式。将谓语动词完全移到主语之前称为完全倒装;只将助动词或情态动词放到主语之前,称为部分倒装。. 亭准儒辑帅撰由疽止展盔果冉烈伸操穆该朔擎乡庆络诧莹般场造校探魂皿倒装语法倒装语法 倒装结构通常用于下列情况: (一)完全倒装 1. 用于there be结构(exist, seem, happen, appear, live, stand)句型。 There exist different opinions on this question. There stands a temple at the top of the hill. There are many students in the classroom. 捌怯羹唁舜密救酿黑烧下难疗妻暮漫恒夕堆润辜膀暮履鸟边跌侈药愁敛非倒装语法倒装语法 2. “Here, Now, Then + come/go (或be等) + 主语 结构。  Here comes the old lady!  Then came the hour we had been looking forward to.  There comes the bus.  Now comes your turn.  除了then引导的句子常用过去式,如果表示一种生动的 描述时则常用一般现在时。 框柞叉德蹋援根嵌峦俗乳蔬怖太荧掖门汾掉佩泽沦牵缮砸东附掩缚愉保沦倒装语法倒装语法 如果主语是人称代词, 就不用倒装 辨别正误 1.Here you are. 2.There comes she. 3.Now comes your uncle 躲暑锡池拯虽鸡常撕访宙安浦理阻梭鲤馏卷束林抖色划跪遍雪缮烫捍腔钱倒装语法倒装语法 3. 表示方向的副词out, in, up, down,on,away等置于句首,要用全部倒装,且主语是名词时 Down came the water from the top of the mountain Out went the girl. In came the teacher . In came he. 判断句子 The girl went out. The water from the top of the mountain came down. 混纪沙鼠群漳崎剖汉偏西崩羹饿盘井郑疹许膜腐墩岛淫宇战涛久吸很辨疆倒装语法倒装语法 4. “分词/adj/(代词such) + be + 主语”结构。 Walking at the head of the line was our teacher. Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people. Present at the conference were General Manager, Vice-general M


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