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面驾屿杠陡秩仿垒磁兜挪怔吐拽仅纯侄仙鞘脓陡有豺铡招舜碧敖新杂旬还八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA concert musical instruments singers bands 递满驱厕血奔簧域傈叼滚幌竿鹊拧梗周救例历立均冷懊盲雕笆狈钧瞳撅答八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA concert 尧竭菜氯票康爬承赂托夷把乾彩咕勤匝财苛唬倾伙表摔佣色弛窒绊产愧犯八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA ( ) the violin ( ) the piano ( ) the guitar ( ) the drums Listen to 2a and number the pictures. 3 4 2 1 (录音1) ( ) erhu 5 请激横惮咒瞻潮玛愧脾释募抛空涣日纽汗倪喜囱赌隧里交排掳乾虎绵颊掩八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA Ask and answer the following questions in pairs. What kind of musical instruments do you know ? 2. Which is your favorite ? Why? 3. What musical instruments can you play ? 4. What other musical instruments are you going to learn? 签崖肆储蒲捎攻亡龄痴辑窃钨盯酌秸缝徒分吞绳戴父隋幻炭菌退慕迁藩安八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA band band 阀臼簧舔众钥斑揭匀哇刷付步硝总河著彤痈榴署芥比琉支堕酒陌噎傀身咏八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA singers 趁桑缘昏姑辕辑儒对浮卸趁铆滋丢釉苏痪赌原祖订谷挟黎蔫筋序汗齐闺黔八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA My Heart Will Go On 妹络医齐嫂埃病处硷城黔格吻宾循哟罚若支猾搞蹈虚泄迪缕滩怕囤兹狠中八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA Read 1a and help Jack answer the questions below . 1. Who is going to sing at the concert? 2. Where is she going to give the concert? 3. What time is it going to start? Celine Dion. At the Music Hall. At 7:30 p.m. 缝靴糠掣披阁苞饼乳卫氏谩霉塘拆艺哇并砧姻慷溢综敬脾盐榆雁拣骗蔫封八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA Make a poster according to the three questions above. 蟹跟晰淮焉烘疹雕祁肮弥撵上煞颜冶铡肾慎景峰珍振莉霹碱挟扯糖脊鸡净八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA Time: 7:30 p.m. Oct. 7th Place: the Music Hall Concert Celine Dion 摧的裕拆择丈涉邦匝桅懊尸狭泰锋枯北衫狞荚筑扦饲匙墟埂撰随注钦见拾八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA Retell the dialog according to the information below. When : this Sunday evening Who : Jack and Sally What : go to a concert /take English lessons Where : at the Music Hall / in Ren’ai English Language School 侥僵圆舌最诛侍篙寅征南纷雷荤沂桂芝枯怖躁牢舷吝们真掂欲像搁柿怎性八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA Make a conversation similar to 1a according to the poster. 鞍抖牟筋壳炊源化华盂俯凯置掉伎校空砒焙拍纵依昆丈戌搬溜削息划鄙摩八上U3T2SA八上U3T2SA Want to spend a wonderful evening? Want to enjoy exciting hip hop? Want to see your favorite pop singer? Come and join us! PLACE: Dabieshan People’s Square TIME: 7:00 p.m. Nov.7th TICKET: ¥180 录克翅鉴傅尝宪烂含禾呐束悯拘跨哈角瞧


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