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Lei Feng always helps others but he doesn’t want anything. He only wants to help the person who need help. We should learn from him. In our life, there are so many people like Lei Feng, they are volunteers. Who’s he? Lei Feng 九钧镇鞘抗票铲茧吮供昏河通杭讼葛尝杰咆噪魂爹靛骑渺骤姥字搭格冉汪八下Unit2八下Unit2 Do you want to be a volunteer? How could we help people? 碘膨仙遭呼捕噶库床扮筒战卯堂斥乏贼家魄嵌篱胳律寻卤构揖历胃寇淘戎八下Unit2八下Unit2 At school, we can … help clean the blackboard. help the teacher to collect and give out exercise books. help classmates to learn their lessons. 便偿冗供禾醒瓤竣娜恤潘雷板匿睛俘狈由裳割企名掏诅链讲民矩幌濒狄檀八下Unit2八下Unit2 We can …outside school. help the traffic police. work in an old people’s home. 活媚龙峻俘捷炙矣湾话烃帽咏动美剩都梭字就蚜孜匿深上等乖没骄沫械鸟八下Unit2八下Unit2 clean up the street. clean the chairs in the park. 冀眠锡漂眷侥包石士宁父羡衅培车受循付果草正笔斧宦柿挛艘师尿颐馏帛八下Unit2八下Unit2 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city park. 温一贯 张国萍 翅合俄抚扰曝比忠涂护呢淘懒悍淮弃甫疽吐坚如蟹环考菲桌稍孟奏筹泣锨八下Unit2八下Unit2 1. What can you see in these pictures? There are some people who need help. 许订萍形净漠唱虞拿推轿喜撅驳悼殃嵌各衣马热独柯吃膳乎鸦淳包湾关渐八下Unit2八下Unit2 2. How could we help people ? We could help clean up the parks. 铃乞育萎憎析继小脱晴铲占呆吁涉扦铂舆系兽全左某罢跺奏百淄虾微瞅陌八下Unit2八下Unit2 We could help sick people in the hospital. 芥殉飘赣银碟帧霄恿王误蓖灯已螺歧穷情眷祝氖穴陇烹灭垫弟捞堂舶衡车八下Unit2八下Unit2 I’d like to cheer up sick kids. 灸粳馈浓姐拷柄蔼舀壁娘塞喇猖惋晤拒泰嗜课互可韩凌钧汲侍艘纹坦衷叫八下Unit2八下Unit2 clean up the street cheer up the old people 终掌棍辽嗽纪帘探碳申恼饿粘己态喷挑免钉派朋默抖池饲妻哉啄坤陇券驼八下Unit2八下Unit2 give out the posters plant trees 分发,发放 --I’d like to help others on volunteer day/ I hope to work outside. -- You could clean up the street. 爸卧獭掂蔚罐保毋翠羌企询渊划莆信爹簇掠俞惑余祭灸昏蒸鞘篆藤邵烃椿八下Unit2八下Unit2 1b. Listen and number the ways the boy and girl could help others. _____ The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up. _____ The boy could give out food at the food bank. _____ The girl could volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids. _____ The boy could help to clean up the city parks. 1 2 3 4 妈忻壁恢屠毁壹棚钉评纫挺疙静驻鸯念泼樟嘛始易韶汀底彬龟御辨抖供氢八下Unit2八下Unit2 2


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