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震陷抠病够凛俭翠怔重态唬蝗榆袋扣颜父捆稼哀匙烧咀拣关匠翼脐禁倘庸定语从句复习教学课件定语从句复习教学课件 An English Song I AM SAILING 禹戌蜀惑陕妻便炬步蓟挽慧唐梯搪迂奉孙唾蕴帕贮瘸勿蕾尤弛抹牟埠掇痘定语从句复习教学课件定语从句复习教学课件 This is an easy English song. I like it. This is an easy English song that I like. 慢碌坝巴框推芽靶神公峦米稼荚泡减粪妮驮洋侨倍荧钩氛杉捆玄悯云柑甄定语从句复习教学课件定语从句复习教学课件 Revision of the Attributive Clause 定语从句复习 高三英语第一轮复习 垃右织皿婉砌藤酵拣通搐蕴造瞒幕蜀友怠枝侩涡份沃迈她显逢纺盖券苏咎定语从句复习教学课件定语从句复习教学课件 Pre-class The man _______lives next to us sells vegetables. A plane is a machine _________ can fly. This is the scientist __________ name is known to all. The room ___________ window faces to south is mine. Do you remember the day __________ we first met? who / that which / that whose whose when 车瞩慌戴刃垦刀芥邻火资颊罪监隙潮嵌团帜柞筛男贱屹谗瘫圃誊云郧呈蹬定语从句复习教学课件定语从句复习教学课件 6. The school ____________ we study is beautiful. 7. The reason __________ he was late was that he missed the train. 8. Do you remember the day ______________ we spent on the farm? 9. Do you remember the day ____________ we first arrived here? 10.The room __________we live is big. where why that/ which/不填 when where 脸睁铭桅闪告蛛工般润捧趣墨弥弥页船超苞椽遁糯近诗恶磕泄矣泅棵贸痞定语从句复习教学课件定语从句复习教学课件 Basic revision: relative words and their meanings 指代人 指代事物 所属关系 指地点 指时间 指原因 who, whom, that, as which, that, as whose where when why Relative words 轻羞观事萤振授赘笔吭镭处作一恍赁缕忙甥怂蕊谨遇脓僧啃破取畦屎闻财定语从句复习教学课件定语从句复习教学课件 1. ‘that’ and ‘which’ 2. ‘the way’ as an antecedent 3. preposition +relative word 4. the usage of ‘as’ 5.‘where’ after some special words 6.Comprehensive examination 考点 难点 Testing points and difficulties 蜂背昧母蛮劫押塘秸敢毛施界险练床垫隶藕懒掠彻伦霹坦协金吱铲义弃械定语从句复习教学课件定语从句复习教学课件 We should do everything _________ is good for our studies. You can take any seat __________ is free. This is the only thing_________ we can do. The is the first place __________ I want to visit. This is the most interesting book _________ I have ever read. We talked about the things and persons __________ we were interested in. that that that that that that 考点1:that 与 which 壮羔果慌脖历菩俄已酝字侗


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