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Test 1 fore- :1) 先于;预先 eg: foreword 前言;foretell预言2)在……的前部 pre-:构成动词,名词和形容词 先于;在…前面 eg: preheat 预热;precaution预防;pre-war 战前 nostalgia:怀旧,念旧 eg: She is filled with nostalgia for her own college days. Nostalgic, adj. nostalgically artistry: the skill of an art 艺术技巧 bygone: (only before noun)happening or existing a long time ago 很久以前的;以往的eg: a bygone age candid: 1) saying what you think openly and honestly; not hiding your thoughts 坦率的;坦诚的;直言不讳的 eg: You must be absolutely honest and candid. Ostentatious: expensive or noticeable in a way that is intended to impress people 摆阔的;铺张的 Convoluted: extremely complicated and difficult to follow 错综复杂的,晦涩难懂的 a book with a convoluted plot. Whim: 心血来潮,一时的兴致a sudden wish to do sth. Or have sth, especially when it is sth unusual or have sth, especially when it is sth unsusl or unnecessary eg: We bought the house on a whim. impulsive: 凭冲动行事的;易冲动的 acting suddenly without thinking carefully about what might happen because of what you are doing eg: an impulsive decision bombast: 华而不实的言辞;大话 words which sound important but have little meaning, used to impress people adj. Bombastic loquacious: 话多的,健谈的 talktive caprious: 反复无常的 changing suddenly and quickly visceral: resulting from strong feelings rather than careful thoughgt 发自内心的,发自肺腑的 intuitive:直觉的 obtained by using your feelings rather than by considering the facts eg: an intuitive judgement instinctive: 本能的,直觉的,天生的 eg: My instinctive reaction was to den everything. stratagem: 计谋 a trick or plan that you use to gain and advantage or to deceive an opponent rigid: 死板的 very strict and different to change streamline: 使(系统,机构等)效率更高;使增产节约 infighting: 内僵 mitigate: 减轻‘缓和 to make sth less harmful, serious, etc. jingoism: 极端的爱国主义 ossify: 僵化;使固定不变to become or make sth fixed and unable to change eg: an ossified political system 24. venerable: people or things deserve respect because they are old, important, wise, etc. 令人尊重的,值得敬重的 25. cowardice ?[?kau?dis]n.胆小,懦弱fear or lack of courage 26. prudenc


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