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项目简介 Project Introduction 一、土地及建筑基本信息 I. Basic information of land and construction 土地基本信息 Basic information of land 所在地? Place 中国 山东 青岛? Qingdao City Shandong Province in China 区域 Area 市南区 Southern area of city 坐落位置 Location 青岛市东海西路15号乙 B, No.15 West Donghai Road, Qingdao City 规划用途? Programming use? 住宅用地 Housing land 国有土地证编号 Certificate number of state-owned land 青房地权市字第169022号 Qing Fang Di Quan Shi Zi No.169022 土地数据信息 Land data information 土地使用权面积 Area of land use right 10054.2 平方米 10054.2 square meters 总建筑面积??? Overall building?area 110356.43平方米? 110356.43 square meters? 地下建筑面积 Underground building area 22898 平方米? 22898 square meters 地上建筑面积 Ground building area 87458.43平方米? 87458.43 square meters? 住宅建筑面积 Residence building area 83485.21平方米? 83485.21 square meters 其他建筑面积 Other building area 26871.22平方米? 26871.22 square meters 容积率??? Floor area ratio? 8.99 绿地率?? Ratio of green space? 34.5% 建筑密度 Building density 31.64% 土地出让年限 ?Land transfer period????? 70年?(从1997年开始计算) 70 years?(count from 1997) 建筑高度 Building height 198米 198 meters 项目名称 Project name 东海路九号 No.9 Donghai Road 二、项目定位和设计理念 II. Project orientation and design concept 项目定位: (1) Project orientation 城市中心体现健康性、舒适性的臻品海景公寓。 High-level seascape apartment of health and comfortable quality in the city centre 设计理念: (2) Design concept 项目规划理念赋予建筑多种内涵,倡导科技居住理念,旨在从内部装修、安全设施到家居生活都赋予科技的灵性,突破性融合多项先进住宅科技,改变与生活居住紧密相关的各项元素:空气、阳光、水、降噪、通风、灯光、景观、安全私密、环保节能、人际交往…回溯生活本源,创造健康的生活环境,满足住户多重需求,为业主提供健康、舒适和节能的高科技公寓居住生活。 Project planning concept endows the building with a variety of content, advocates scientific and technological living concept, aims to endue the internal decoration, security facilities and the home life with the spiritualism of science and technology, breakthrough in integrating a number of advanced residential technology, change various elements closely related to inhabitation and life: Air, sunshine, water, noise reducing, ventilation, lighting, landscape, security and privacy, environmental protectio


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