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论文分类号: 密? 级: 学士学位论文 上市公司资产减值会计应用研究 系别 专业: 管理系 财务管理 姓名 学号: 年级 班级: 指导教师及职称: 2013年6月 随着知识经济和信息时代的来临,科学技术推动全球经济的快速发展,经济环境越来越不确定,企业经营的风险也在不断加大,企业的资产面临减值风险。资产减值会计的研究引起多方关注。在我国的会计应用中,也出现了利用资产减值会计调整会计利润的负面现象,特别是在我国的上市公司,资产减值会计在理论上和实务中都相当不完善,资产减值会计很容易成为上市公司操纵会计利润的手段,所以资产减值成为不能回避的课题。文章对我国上市公司资产减值会计的现实状况和执行新准则过程中应注意的问题进行了分析,提出了规范上市公司资产减值会计的几点建议。  关键词:上市公司;资产减值;新会计准则;应用 Abstract With the development of knowledge economy and the advent of the information age, science and technology to promote the rapid development of the global economy, the economic environment is more and more uncertain, business risk is also increasing, the impairment of assets at risk of enterprises. Study of accounting of assets impairment caused attention in many ways. In the application of accounting of our country, also appeared the negative phenomena by means of accounting of assets impairment accounting profits, especially in Chinas listing Corporation, asset impairment accounting in theory and practice are quite imperfect, accounting for impairment of assets is easy to become listing Corporation handling accounting profit, so the impairment of assets has become unavoidable subject. You should pay attention to the reality of the situation of Chinas listing Corporation accounting for impairment of assets and the implementation of the new accounting standards issues in the process of analysis, put forward some suggestions for the listing Corporation accounting for impairment of assets. Keywords: listing Corporation; impairment of assets; accounting standards; application 1 资产减值会计应用概述 1.1 资产减值的含义 资产减值是指资产的可收回的金额低于其账面的价值。这里的资产,除了特殊规定外,包括资产组和单项资产。资产组,是指企业可以认定的最小的资产组合,其发生的现金流入应当基本区别于其他资产或资产组发生的现金流入。 1.2 资产减值对象范围 资产减值对象主要包括以下资产:固定资产;无形资产;生产性生物资产;采用成本模式进行后续计量的投资性房地产;对子公司、合营企业和联营企业的长期股权投资;商誉;探明石油天然气矿区权益和井及其相关设施。(资产减值不涉及:建造合同形成的资产、消耗性生物资产、递延所得税资产、以公允价值模式进行后续计量的投资性房地产、存货、融资租赁中出租人未担保余值,以及


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