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第35卷增刊2 2014年10月 岩 土 力 学 Rock and Soil Mechanics voll35 Supp.2 Oct.2014 文章编号:1000一7598(2014)增刊2一0412—1l 不同地连墙插入深度下承压含水层 减压降水对既有隧道的影响 郑 刚1一,王琦1一,邓 旭3,刘庆晨3 (I.天津大学滨海土木工程结构与安全教育部重点实验室,天津300072; 2.天津大学建筑工程学院,天津300072:3.天津市建筑设计院,天津3000弭) 摘要;当基坑需进行未截断条件下的承压含水层降水时,承压水抽降产生的影响范围远大于基坑开挖的影响范围,其对基 坑外既有隧道的影响值得重视。进行了承压层减压降水对既有盾构隧道影响的有限元仿真模拟,并分析了采用地下连续墙插 入承压含水层时,不同插入深度对隧道变形的影响,结果表明:随着地下连续墙插入承压含水层深度的增加,直至完全截断 承压含水层,既有隧道沉降逐渐减小,但受地下连续墙变形的影响,隧道在水平方向仍存在较大位移。因此,当既有隧道与 减压井净距较小时,即使承压含水层被完全截断,也应重视减压降水对隧道水平方向变形造成的影响。此外,长期减压降水 将会引起隧道产生可观的沉降。因此,应尽量避免承压含水层未被完全截断条件下进行长期减压降水。 关键词:承压含水层;地下连续墙;既有隧道:减压降水 中圈分类号;Tu 921 文献标识码:A Innuence of pressure·relief of con6ned aquif.er on existing tunnel under conditions of di萤fIerent inserted lengths of diaphragm waU ZHENG Gan91一,WANG Qil一, DENG Xu3, LIU Qing—chen3 (1.Key Labofatory ofco船t civil s仃ucture safe妙ofMlniscry ofEducation,Ti锄jin uniVers咄Ti孤jin 300072,chilla; 2.sch00l ofcivil Enginee血g,Ti咖in Univers咄Ti枷in 300072,china;3.Ti肌jin ArchitectIlre Des咖Institute,Ti觚jin 300074,ch.ma) Abtract:Ifthe confined a(叫f打is not completely cut offby t|le di印hragm wall d删ng the pressure—reliefprocess which is used for preventing协e heave failure of deep exeavation,也e sphere of innuence of gfound settlement ca吣ed by pressure—relief of confined aquifcr is much la唱er man mat caused by the excavation.Therefore,the def咖ation charact甜stics of me existing shield nmnels caused by pressure-relief of confined aquifer are simulatedby finite element method;and th曲me diaphragm wan is insened缸o the conflned aquif;瓦the e毹ct of the lengch of di印hragm waU into t11e confined aquifer on the deforIIlation of tuIlnelis aIIalyzed.1he results show tllat,as me lcng廿1 of diapllragm wan inserted into the confined aquifer increaSes,tlle settlement of tu彻el decreases.But because of tlle defbrmation of wall,h硎zonta】movement of the tunnelis considerable during me pressure—relief process.So it shouJd be pointcd out chat when tlle tu衄elis close to me dewatering well,even there is a diaphragm wa“cu仕ing ofr


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