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Concepts n. 概念,观念;思想(concept[k?nsept]复数形式) mechanism [mek?niz?m]n. 机械装置;机制;技巧;原理,途径;进程;A combination of interrelated parts having definite motions and capable of performing useful work may be called machine. A mechanism is a component of a machine consisting of two or more bodies arranged so that the motion of one compels the motion of the others. combination?[,k?mbinei??n]n.?结合;化合;联合;组合? interrelated?[,int?rileitid]adj.?相关的;互相联系的v.?使相互联系? definite?[definit]adj.?确切的;一定的? motion?[m?u??n]n.?动作;请求;手势;移动;意向i.?运动;打手势vt.?运动;向…打手势? capable?[keip?bl]adj.?能干的,能胜任的;有才华的? mechanism [mek?niz?m]n. 机械装置;机制;技巧;原理,途径;进程 一些有关联的部分综合起来能够实现一定运动并能完成有用的工作叫做机器。一个机构是一个由两个以上的部分装配成的机器的一个组件以实现一个部件的运动带动其他部分运动。;Kinematics is the study of motion in mechanisms without reference to the forces that act on the mechanism. Dynamics is the study of motion of individual bodies and mechanisms under the influence of forces and torques. The study of forces and torques in stationary systems ( and systems with negligible inertial effects ) is called statics. reference [ref?r?ns]n. 参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目;介绍信;证明书vi. 引用vt. 引用 dynamics [dain?miks]n. 动力学,力学 torque [t?:k]n. 转矩,扭矩;项圈,金属领圈 negligible [neɡlid??bl] adj. 微不足道的,可以忽略的 运动学是研究机构的运动而不涉及施加在机构上的力。动力学是研究运动的部分和受力和力矩影响的机构。研究静止系统的力和力矩叫做静力学(或者说是惯性影响对系统是微不足道的)。 ;The definitions of some terms and concepts fundamental to the study of kinematics dynamics of mechanisms are defined below. 一些术语的定义和运动学动力学的研究的基础的概念上定义如下。;An unconstrained rigid body has six degrees of freedom; translation in three coordinate directions and rotation about three coordinate axes. If the body is restricted to motion in a plane, there are three degrees of freedom: translation in two coordinate directions and rotation within the plane. rigid [rid?id]adj. 严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的 coordinate [k?u?:dinit, k?u?:dineit]n. 坐标;同等的人或物adj. 同等的;并列的vt. 调整;整合vi. 协调 rotation [r?utei??n]n. 旋转;循环,轮流 axes [?ksi:z] n. 轴线;轴心;坐标轴;斧头(axe的复数) 一个不受控制的刚性体有六个自由度:在三种坐标轴周围的三种坐标方向中的转换。如果刚体在水平面被限制运动,就存在三种自由度:在水平面内的两种坐标方向和旋转中的转换。;Lo


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