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中國婚礼习俗─仪式 此外,如今一個标准的中國婚礼會如 下进行: 在一对新人订婚後,next select a suitable Day to marry。Most people may select a suitbale day or chiense traditional fesitival Howerever,some people,almost some people who live in countryside may ask 算命先生to select a good day(used to be double day),which is 双喜临门了。 中國婚禮習俗─聘禮 生鸡兩對,禮金盒內有蓮子、 百合、檳椰兩對、芝麻、紅豆、 綠豆、紅枣、合桃乾、龙眼乾, 还有紅豆绳、利是、聘金、饰 金、以及龙凤镯一双及对联一 幅。所有礼金、礼饼及礼品均 需双數,取其是成双之意。 中國婚礼习俗─婚礼用品 广东人较喜愛用耐久堅固的 樟木箱,既实用,亦好意头。 在嫁妝中,除珍貴的珠宝首 饰外,还有一些象徵好兆頭 的東西。 交通工具方面,則用大紅花 轎將新娘送到新郎的門前。 在新娘轎前有一枝帶葉的青 竹,上面挂了一豬肉,這是 為了驱除『百虎神』。另有 一人担著洗澡盆,叫『子孫 盆』。 中國婚禮習俗─佈置 花轎四面围着紅緞绸花的帐帘,四角挂着牛角透明的挂 灯。至于在新娘下轿的時候, 則在地上預先铺了紅色的毛 毯,以保持腳不踩地的慣例。 中國婚禮習俗─拜堂 到达男家后,随即举行拜堂 仪式。拜堂又称为「拜天 地」。而拜堂則主要是对长辈行礼叩拜 同時請一位赞礼人喝名受拜。 由赞礼人发号令:一拜天地、 二拜祖先、三拜高堂、夫妻 交拜。接著,在赞礼人引导 下,新人逐次拜男家尊長, 再拜亲朋。 中國婚禮習俗─服裝 “旗袍”顾名思义是由清 朝時期女性所穿著的 服飾演变而來的。 1840年開始,因華洋 亲居,中國人受西方 影响更甚,旗袍便是 当时由汉族妇女在穿 著中吸收西洋服裝式 样改进而定型的。 中國婚禮習俗─食物 通常龙凤饼在婚后可食 用,但凡用來拜神或敬 奉祖先的則不可食用。   Western wedding Western wedding is a romantic type, the whole wedding from start to finish to the full of romantic. The bride‘s dress(服装) is generally white, the groom is black dress so that the whole wedding was solemn(严肃的) The process of the whole wedding ceremony First, as the wedding march(n/v行进) rhythm(旋律), the bride pull her father‘s hands go before the groom by her father she personally delivered(送交) the hands of the groom. pastor will ask the bride and groom on the other side to make a lifetime commitment(承诺)。 Then priest (神父)claim that the bride and groom exchange marriage rings and kiss each other. At the end of the wedding, the bride would throw the female guest who is a unmarried person, which makes the entire ceremony be heard laughing in the end. At last ,groom will throw the flower in her hand to those unmarried laddies . Difference between chinese and western wedding By studying the differences between Chinese and Western wedding,we understand their characteristics: Western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding; Western wedding is feeling v


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