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实验二溴磺酞钠(BSP)的药代动力学参数估算 Experiment 2. Estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters of Sodium bromsulphalein(BSP);实验内容;有关药动学参数的求算: 消除速率常数k=-2.303×b(时间-1) 半衰期t1/2=0.693/k(时间) 表观分布容积V=X0/C0(体积/体重) 消除率C1=kV=0.693×V/t1/2(体积/时间/体重) ;【材料】家兔1只 离心管,试管,吸管,注射器,静脉插管,兔手术台,722分光光度计 2% 溴磺酞钠溶液,肝素化生理盐水(10u/ml),草酸钾,2.5N NaOH,0.01N HCl,1% 盐酸普鲁卡因;Methods 1. a rabbit – weigh--fix---anesthesia with urethane 2.Shear the hair in the groin on one side where throbbing can be seen, subdermal 3.Cut the skin 3~4cm -- Separate the femoral vein -- insert a venous cannula -- fix it --make sure blood can be taken smoothly. 4.Blood samples(1.5ml) are taken from femoral vein at 2,4,6,10,15,20min following iv 20mg/kg of BSP. The blood samples--into the tubes containing K2C2O4. 5 Every time before taking blood sample, give up about 0.2ml blood at first, and after sampling blood, inject the same capacity of Saline to rabbit to make up the blood for loss. 6.Separate the plasma by centrifuging at 3000rpm for 5min. 7.Transfer 0.5ml plasma from each sample to various dry tubes. 8.Add 5.5ml of 0.01N HCl to each tube and shake it thoroughly. 9.The optical densities AH+ are measured with colormeter (540nm). Distilled water serves as a blank. 10.After obtained the optical densities AH+,add one drop of 2.5N NaOH to each tube and shake it. Then measure optical densities AOH-. 11.With the difference between two optical densities ΔΑ= AOH-AH+,the concentration of BSP in plasma is determined from the standard curve. ;;【方法与步骤】 1. 取家兔1只,称重,乌拉坦全麻,背位固定于手术台上,在一侧腹股沟部搏动处剪毛。 (固定:背位固定,要绑紧。);方法与步骤;3. 静脉注射20mg/kg BSP,分别于注射后第2,4,6,10,15,20min由股静脉取血1.5~2ml置于盛有草酸钾试管中,轻轻摇动试管,使草酸钾均匀地溶解于血液中。 (注意:20mg/kg BSP单位换算;每次取血量固定,记录开始取血和结束取血时间点,t值取中间点。) 4. 每次取血样时,先舍去0.2ml左右血液,取后,补充等量生理盐水。 (每次抽完血一定要尽快补充肝素化生理盐水,避免血液凝固堵塞插管和针头。);5.将各试管离心(3000rpm,5min),分别取血浆0.5ml,转移入另一试管中,加入0.01N HCl溶液5.5ml,混匀后在722分光光度计于波长540nm处测吸光度。 (注意:试管标号;离心时要配平。) 6. 测定后,加入2.5N NaOH溶液1d,混匀后再进行吸光度测定,计算吸光度差值,利用差值从标准曲线上求出相应的血药浓度,利用lnc~t作直线回归,求得斜率和截矩,利用前面公式求出相应的药动学参数。;7. 标准曲线绘制:以蒸馏水配制


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