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南 京 理 工 大 学 EDA设计论文 作 者: 学 号: 学院(系): 专 业: 题 目: 基于CycloneⅢ系列EP3C25F324C8应用 QuartusⅡ开发多功能数字钟 指导者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2010 年 5 月 课程设计论文中文摘要 本实验是基于基于CycloneⅢ系列EP3C25F324C8应用利用QuartusⅡ软件进行多功能数字钟的实现,结合硬件资源和软件资源的分配关系,利用目前已经掌握的知识设计了多功能的数字钟,该数字钟具有能进行正常的时、分、秒计时功能,并且该系统具有计数保持功能,计数清零功能,系统的较分较时功能,整点报时功能,任意设定时间的闹钟功能,还有就是万年历功能。可以说基本涵盖了数字钟的所有功能。 本论文从数字钟的基本工作原理出发,分析电路的工作原理,通过硬件原理图的绘制,利用QuartusⅡ软件实现了在SmartSOPC实验系统的平台下的设计,仿真和下载调试。并且本文还给出了在进行设计的过程中容易犯的一些问题及指出了关于软件及电路原理设计过程中的致命的细节问题,对以后的电路设计具有一定的指导意义。 关键词 多功能数字钟 整点报时 闹钟 万年历 课程设计论文外文摘要 Title The Design Of Multi-function Digital Clock Based on Cyclone Ⅲ Series EP3C25F324C8 Using Quartus Ⅱ Abstract The experiment is based on Cyclone Ⅲ Series EP3C25F324C8 using Quartus Ⅱ to design the multi-function digital clock, considering hardware and software resources provided. With the help of the knowledge I got, the designed multi-function digital clock has all of the functions of a digital clock, including the hours, minutes, seconds timer function, and the system can also be keeped and cleared at any time. Moreover, the hour and minute can be adjusted to any wanted time and can be set to alarm at any time if you want. Most of all, the calendar function is also designed. This paper is mainly concerned about the detailed design procedure beginning with the basic principle of the circuit works and the hardware schematic drawing, finally finishing the simulation and debugging using Quartus Ⅱ software in SmartSOPC experimental platform. In addition, the details that may otherwise be fatal to the system design is also given during the course of circuit design process, which actually has a certain significance in later design. Keywords Multi-function digital clock. Hourly chime function. Alarm at any time. Calendar 目 录


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