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冷如刀 灼如炬 李光耀名言录?新加坡前总理李光耀因病于23日凌晨3时18分在新加坡中央医院去世,享年91岁。李光耀是新加坡开国元首,1959年至1990年担任总理,被誉为“新加坡国父”。同时也是新加坡现任总理李显龙的父亲。强悍、充满斗志甚至偏执的强人远去,我们一起来回顾一下他冷硬如刀、直指人心的箴言。李光耀谈媒体【没有新闻就是好新闻】“我总是觉得此事很奇怪:一个国家有麻烦时,就会受到国际媒体注目......1942年日本占领新加坡之前,或1955年和1956年新加坡发生暴动期间导致两名记者遇害之前,世上没有多少人听过新加坡这个地方。後来我开始明白,当涉及外国媒体时,没有消息就是好消息。”──李光耀於1959年9月16日於外国记者协会发言【No news is good news】“I have always thought it strange that a country figures prominently in the world press mainly when it is in trouble…Nobody in the rest of the world heard much about Singapore until it was captured by the Japanese in 1942 or again until there were riots in 1955 and 1956 in the course of one of which two members of your fraternity were killed. I have come to believe that, so far as the foreign press is concerned, no news is good news.”- Speech at Foreign Correspondents Association, 16th Sep, 1959关於国际领袖【谁最伟大?】“我觉得最伟大的是邓小平。以他这个年纪,要承认自己的错误,承认马克斯丶列宁丶毛泽东思想不可行而必须放弃,只有伟人才能做到。”──《李光耀对话录》(Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew )汤姆.普雷特(Tom Plate)著“I would say the greatest was Deng Xiaoping. At his age, to admit that he was wrong, that all these ideas, Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, they are just not working and have to be abandoned, you need a great man to do that…”- Tom Plates Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew【再谈邓小平】“邓小平是个伟人。中国原是一个破败的国家,本可能像苏联那样崩溃,但他一手改变了中国的命运,让这个国家变成今天的面貌,并逐步成为全球最大经济体。”──《新加坡赖以生存的硬道理》【On Deng Xiaoping (again)】Deng Xiao Ping is a great man because he changed China froma broken-backed state, which would have imploded like the Soviet Union, into what it is today, on the way to becoming the worlds largest economy.- Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going【谈及习近平】“我认为习近平能够与纳尔逊.曼德拉(NelsonMandela)相提并论:一个情绪极为稳定丶不受自身苦难影响判断的人──换言之,是个了不起的人物。”──《时代杂志》(2007年11月19日)【On Xi Jinping】“I would put him in Nelson Mandelas class of persons. A person with enormous emotional stability who does not allow his personal misfortunes or sufferings to affect his judgement. In other words, he is impressive.”- TIME Nov 19, 2007【谈美国人】“美国人是了不起的传教士,他们有一股难以压抑的冲动,要别人改变信仰。”──《李