题库 高级语言程序设计(vb)试题库系统的设计与实现.doc

题库 高级语言程序设计(vb)试题库系统的设计与实现.doc

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题库 高级语言程序设计(vb)试题库系统的设计与实现

桂林工学院 2007届本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:高级语言程序设计(VB)试题库系统的设计与实现 院、系(部):管理学院 专 业:信息管理与信息系统 班 级:2003-1班 学 号:3030826142 学生姓名:童雪伟 【摘要】 随着当今计算机技术的飞速发展,利用计算机进行试题库的管理已成为学校推动教学改革、提高教学质量的重要内容。学校的试题库具有量大、种类多的特点,常规管理有工作量大、查询困难、不易更新的缺点,试题库管理系统可对试题实行科学的管理,利用现代电脑功能强大、运算速度快的优点,对试题进行集中、有序、有效的管理,更新方便、查询快捷、组卷灵活还可在组卷结束后通过打印机直接打印成试卷,大大降低了劳动强度,解放教师资源,让教师把更多的精力投入到教学上,从而提高教学质量,提高办学效率。因此我们开发了针对《visual basic高级语言程序设计》这门课的试题库管理系统。该系统主要采用VISUAL BASIC、OLE、Access数据库、ADO和DAO等技术和工具开发而成。它要解决的问题主要是非纯文字试题(包括公式、图形、表格等)的录入,删除、修改和编辑;成卷方式(随机和手工)主要是通过源代码的书写来实现;生成规定格式的word文档。 【关键字】 计算机基础课程(VB)With todays computer technology to the rapid development, the use of computers in the test library management has become schools to promote the teaching reform, improving the quality of teaching critical. The questions of the schools have a large quantity and variety of features, the conventional management of the workload and inquiries difficulties and difficult to update the shortcomings, examination database management system can be implemented right questions and scientific management, the use of modern computer powerful computational speed advantages, right questions focused, orderly, and effective management, update convenient, fast inquiry, Test Paper also flexible in Test Paper by the end of the printer directly printed papers greatly reduce the labor intensity, Liberation teachers resources to enable teachers to put more energy into teaching, thereby raising the quality of teaching and improve their efficiency. Therefore, we developed a visual basic Advanced Language Program Design course of this examination database management system EC. The system is mainly used Visual Basic, OLE, Access database, ADO and DAO technology and tools from the development. It is to solve the problem of non-text item (including formulas, graphics, tables, etc.) input, delete, revising and editing; form into rolls (Random and manual) is the main source of writing to achieve; Generation provisions of the wor


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