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PAGE  JIUJIANG UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文 题 目 华为手机出口现状分析 英文题目The Analysis of Situation about Exporting of Huawei Mobile Phone 院 系 经济与管理学院 专 业 国际经济与贸易 姓 名 董俊 班级学号 A1114 06 学籍编号 11101030406 指导教师 陈婷 二零一五年六月 摘 要 从1987年中国首次启动900MHz模拟移动电话业务至今的20多年时间内到现在,经过20多年的发展,中国的移动通讯业务得到了很好的发展。数据显示2014年中国智能手机用户突破5亿人,是全球拥有智能手机用户最多的国家。在全球手机市场发展日趋成熟、竞争也日益激烈的今天,华为技术有限公司(以下简称华为)也在积极探求如何有效地进入这一市场。本文第一章引言部分介绍了国产手机发展的两个高峰期,分析了两次高速发展的异同点,??而引出华为公司。第二章介绍了华为公司的概况以及华为手机在全球市场上的销售情况,从销售量及份额、出口地区、出口机型及价格等方面详细介绍了华为手机的出口现状。第三章明确了华为在全球开拓手机业务的优势、劣势。然后文章第四章针对华为公司手机业务的优劣势进行分析,给出了一些相应的策略。最后文章第五章进一步根据华为手机业务方面的成功给我国中小型企业带来了一些启示。 【关键词】 华为公司 手机 出口 ABSTRACT Starting from 1987 within the 900MHz analog mobile phone service operators since 20 years, Chinas mobile communication is developing very rapidly. 2014 Chinas smart phone users more than 500 million people, a country most smartphone users, China has become the worlds largest mobile phone market. In the global mobile phone market matures, competition is increasingly fierce, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Huawei) is also actively exploring how to effectively enter this market. The first chapter introduction describes the two peak periods of domestic mobile phone development, analysis of the similarities and differences between the two high-speed development, which leads to Huawei. The second chapter describes an overview of Huawei and Huaweis mobile phone sales in the global market situation, in terms of sales volume and share, export regions, the export model and price details of the status of export Huawei phones. The third chapter clearly Huawei in the global mobile phone business to develop strengths, weaknesses. Then fourth chapter for the strengths and weaknesses of Huaweis mobile phone business were analyzed, some corresponding strategies. Finally, the paper further chapter to our small and medium enterprises


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