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摘 要 随着市场竞争的加剧,中国移动通信局部地区市场已经迈入了成熟期,整体竞争格局已经基本形成。如何在相对稳定的市场中进一步开拓市场份额是各移动通信运营商目前面临的主要问题之一。 目前,由于我国的移动通信行业仍然属于寡头垄断行业,业内的市场份额竞争必定打破原有的平衡,争取更多的新增用户是提高市场占有率的关键。现在移动通信新增用户的来源主要为流动人口与高校新生,尤其是高校学生,他们的移动通信消费更具集中性、文化性和时尚性等特点,因而倍受各大通信运营商的关注。本文主要以大学生的移动业务消费作为研究对象,对其近年来移动通信行业进行研究,并在此基础上分析高校移动通信市场的消费特点。 首先,本文在提出文章研究背景和意义的前提下,对移动通信行业的发展以及大学生与高校通信市场消费特征的相关文献进行了阐述与分析,提出了本文的研究思路。笔者在对高校移动通信业务市场的内外部环境进行分析的基础上进一步研究高校通信市场目前的市场竞争态势。其次,通过调查问卷采集有关大学生移动通信业务消费情况的数据,在进行编码以便用数据挖掘软件Insight Miner对这些数据进行挖掘和定量分析。 文章的最后,根据对数据的定量分析的结论,从产品与品牌服务、价格、促销、通话业务、短(彩)信和资费套餐的几个方面提出了大学生移动通信业务的推广建议与策略。 关键词:移动通信业务;校园市场;业务推广;数据挖掘 ABSTRACT With the competition aggravating,the local area of our countrys mobile Comm-unic ation market has already entered into the mature period,at the same time,the competition pattern of every direction has already been basically formed.How further develops the ma rket in the stable market is one of main questions which each mobile communication oper ation business faces at present. Because the area of our countrys mobile communication still belonged to the oligopoly pro fession for the time being,and the competition for market share in this area is sure to break the or iginal balance,It’s very essential to win over more additional user in order to enhance the market share.Mobile communication additional users mainly come from transient population and the ne w student of university.Especially,the students of the university who has characteristics such as concentricity,cultural property,fashionable and so on in the mobile communication expense are paid much more attention to by each big correspondence operation business.Therefore,this article took the mobile service expense of University students as the object of study,conducted the resea rch to the mobile commu nication profession in recent years, and I analysis the expense character istic of the unive rsity mobile communication market based on this. At first,based on proposing background and si


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