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大学英语听说课总结及调查说明:这是对大学英语基础阶段学习的总结和反思。请认真详细地完成。可以使用英语,汉语或英汉混用。以明白准确表达为准。Date: 姓名冯冀性别男专业电气工程学习英语的时间from seven years old to now totally __12__ years1. 你认为现在的大学英语听说课的难度如何?(任选一个)有点难很难, 有点难, 难易适度, 比较简单, 非常简单2. 你上大学英语听说课的目的是什么?(详细描述)锻炼口语,表达,以及说英语的能力3. At the beginning of your college study, your English speaking ability is (B) A. beginning level B.intermediate level C. advanced levelNowyour English speaking ability is (B) A. beginning level B.intermediate level C. advanced level beginning level students can be characterized as follows:Oral production consists of isolated words and learned phrases within very predictable areas of need.Vocabulary is sufficient only for handling simple, elementary needs and expressing basic courtesies(礼貌).Utterances rarely consist of more than two or three words and show frequent long pauses and repetition of interlocutor’s(对话者) words.Speaker may have some difficulty producing even the simplest utterances.Intermediate level learners are able to: Handle successfully a variety of uncomplicated, basic and communicative tasks and social situations;Talk simply about self and family members;Ask and answer questions and participate in simple conversations on topics beyond the most immediate(直接的,知觉的) needs, e.g. personal history and leisure time activities;Increase utterance length slightly, but speech may continue to be characterized by frequent long pauses, since the smooth incorporation(合并) of even basic conversational strategies is often hindered(阻止,妨碍);Improve pronunciation, which may continue to be strongly influenced by first language, and fluency may still be strained(紧张的,做作的).Advanced level language learners are able to:Satisfy the requirements of everyday situations and routine school and work requirementsHandle with confidence but not with facility (流利) complicated tasks and social situation, such as elaborating(详细阐述), complaining, and apologizing.Narrate and describe with some details, linking sentences together smoothly.Communicate


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