
2002-EI-chinese-Effect of neutral traps on tunneling current and SILC in ultrathin oxide layer.pdf

2002-EI-chinese-Effect of neutral traps on tunneling current and SILC in ultrathin oxide layer.pdf

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2002-EI-chinese-Effect of neutral traps on tunneling current and SILC in ultrathin oxide layer

 第 23 卷第 4 期 半 导 体 学 报 V o l. 23,N o. 4  2002 年 4 月 CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F SEM ICONDU CTOR S A p r. , 2002 3 P ro ject suppo rted by the State Key P rogram of Basic Research of Ch ina (Gran t N o. G20002036503) and by the Docto ral Foundation of State Education M inistry of Ch ina (Gran t N o.  Zhang H eqiu fem ale, w as bo rn in 1974, PhD candidate. H er m ain research in terest is in the quantum effects in theM O S devices and modeling and degradation of M O S devices under unifo rm o r nonunifo rm stresses.  Xu M ingzhen fem ale, p rofesso r. H er curren t research in terests include physics and characterization of sm all2dim ention devices and the relia2 bility of sem iconducto r m aterial and devices.  T an Changhua m ale, p rofesso r. H is research in terests include physics and characterization of sm all2dim ention diveces.  Received 12 Sep tem ber 2001, revised m anuscrip t received 21 N ovem ber 2001 ○c 2002 T he Ch inese Institu te of E lectron ics Effect of Neutra l Traps on Tunnel ing Curren t and SILC in Ultra th in Ox ide Layer 3 Zhang H eqiu, M ao L ingfeng, Xu M ingzhen and T an Changhua ( Institu te of M icroelectron ics, P ek ing U niversity , B eij ing 100871, Ch ina) Abstract: T he effect of neu tral t rap on tunneling cu rren t in u ltra th in M O SFET s is invest igated by num erical analy2 sis. T he barrier varia t ion arisen by neu tral t rap in ox ide layer is described as a rectangu lar po ten tia lw ell in the con2 duction band of SiO 2. T he differen t barrier varia t ion of an u ltra th in m etal2ox ide2sem iconducto r (M O S) structu re w ith ox ide th ickness of 4nm is num erically calcu lated. It is show n that the effect of neu tral t rap on tunneling cu r2 ren t can no t be neglected. T he tunneling cu rren t is increased w hen the neu tral t rap ex ists in the ox ide layer. T h is simp le model can be used to understand the occu rring m echan ism of stress induced leakage cu rren t. Key words: tunneling cu rren t; h igh2f


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