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第 29 卷 第 1 期 北 京 体 育 大 学 学 报 VoI .29 No .1 2006 年 1 月 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JournaI of Beijing Sport University Jan .2006 影响我国青少年身体健康若干因素的调查分析 张元阳1,黄玉全2 ( 1 . 重庆交通学院体育部,重庆 400074 ; 2 . 西南大学体育部,重庆 400715 ) 摘 要:近年来,我国青少年健康指数呈下降趋势,对此,本文采用复式问卷调查数理统计 和 文 献 研 究 法,试 图探讨影响我国青少年健康的若干因素。研究结果指出:父母离异、黑色网吧、教育 不 当、不 良 习 气、色 情 暴 力是影响我国青少年身体健康的最大因素。另外,体质下降,赌博吸毒,升学压力,心 理 障 碍,疾 病 传 染 等 因 素也较大程度地影响我国青少年健康成长。研究目的在于向我国教育管理部门提供研究报告,希 望 能 引 起 全社会对青少年健康的关注。为促进青少年身心健康发展制定相关对策。 关键词:身心健康;青少年;问卷调查;相关分析;影响因素 中图分类号: G812 .45 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1007 3612 ( 2006 ) 01 0039 03 Investigation Analysis on Influential factors of the Physical and Mental Health of the Youth in Our country ZHANG Yuan yang 1, HUANG Yu guan 2 ( 1 . Dept . of P . E . , Chongging Jiaotong University , Chongging 400074 , China ; 2 . Dept . of P . E . of Southwest China NormaI University Chongging 400715 , China ) Abstract : In recent years , the physicaI and mentaI heaIth of the youth in China shows a tendency of decrease . AccordingIy , adopted the methods of doubIe test guestionnaire investigation , mathematicaI statistics , and document research method , this study expIored the main factors that impact on the physicaI and mentaI heaIth of the youth in China . The resuIts of this study indicated that parents ’ devoice , iIIegaI internet bars , inappropriate education , bad habits , sex and vioIence can be seen as main factors that affect the physicaI and mentaI heaIth of the youth . Furthermore , decreasing physicaI condition , addicting to gambIing and drugs , pressure of entrance examination , psychoIogicaI probIems , and infectious diseases had significantIy neg ative effects on the deveIopment of the heaIth of the youth . This study aimed to provide the reIative research report to the edu cationaI administration in China . It is aIso anticipated to draw an extensive attention from the pubIic on the physicaI and men taI heaIth of the youth in China , in order to offer reIative stra


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