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Calculation methods – conveyor belts Siegling – total belting solutions conveyor and processing belts This brochure contains advanced equa- tions, figures and recommendations, based on our longstanding experience. Results calculated can however differ from our calculation program B_Rex (free to download from the Internet at ). Contents Terminology 2 Unit goods conveying systems 3 Take-up range for load-dependent take-up systems 8 Bulk goods conveying systems 9 Calculation example for unit goods conveying 12 R ef . n o. 3 04 -2 01 /1 3 · U D · Re pr od uc tio n of te xt o r p ar ts th er eo f o nl y w ith o ur a pp ro va l. Su bj ec t o f c ha ng e. These variations are due to the very different approaches taken: while B_Rex is based on empirical measurements and requires a detailed description of the machinery, the calculation methods shown here are based on general, simple physical equations, supplemented by cer- tain factors that include a safety margin. In the majority of cases, the safety margin in calculations in this brochure will be greater than in the corresponding B_Rex calculation. Further information on machine design can be found in our brochure, ref. no. 305 “Recommendations for machine design.” M et rik G m bH · W er be ag en tu r · H an no ve r · w w w .m et rik .n et Te ch no lo gi em ar ke tin g · C or po ra te D es ig n · T ec hn ic al C on te nt 2Terminology U n it A b b re vi at io n D es ig n at io n Key to the abbreviations Drum and roller width b mm Belt width b0 mm Calculation factors C.. – Drum and roller diameter d mm Drive drum diameter dA mm Rolling resistance of support rollers f – Tensile force F N Maximum belt pull (on the drive drum) F1 N Minimum belt pull (on the drive drum) F2 N Force of the tensioning weight FR N Effective pull FU N Tensioning drum weight FTR N Steady state shaft load on the drive drum FWA N Initial value of the sha


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