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ADC78H90 8-Channel, 500 kSPS, 12-Bit A/D Converter
Literature Number: SNAS227C
8-Channel, 500 kSPS, 12-Bit A/D Converter
General Description
The ADC78H90 is a low-power, eight-channel CMOS 12-bit
analog-to-digital converter with a conversion throughput of
500 kSPS. The converter is based on a successive-
approximation register architecture with an internal track-
and-hold circuit. It can be configured to accept up to eight
input signals at inputs AIN1 through AIN8.
The output serial data is straight binary, and is compatible
with several standards, such as SPI?, QSPI?, MICROW-
IRE?, and many common DSP serial interfaces.
The ADC78H90 may be operated with independent analog
and digital supplies. The analog supply (AVDD) can range
from +2.7V to +5.25V, and the digital supply (DVDD) can
range from +2.7V to AVDD. Normal power consumption using
a +3V or +5V supply is 1.5 mW and 8.3 mW, respectively.
The power-down feature reduces the power consumption to
just 0.3 μW using a +3V supply, or 0.5 μW using a +5V
The ADC78H90 is packaged in a 16-lead TSSOP package.
Operation over the industrial temperature range of ?40?C to
+85?C is guaranteed.
n Eight input channels
n Variable power management
n Independent analog and digital supplies
n SPI?/QSPI?/MICROWIRE?/DSP compatible
n Packaged in 16-lead TSSOP
Key Specifications
n Conversion Rate 500 kSPS
n DNL ± 1 LSB (max)
n INL ± 1 LSB (max)
n Power Consumption
— 3V Supply 1.5 mW (typ)
— 5V Supply 8.3 mW (typ)
n Automotive Navigation
n Portable Systems
n Medical Instruments
n Mobile Communications
n Instrumentation and Control Systems
Connection DiagramOrdering Information
Order Code Temperature Range Description
ADC78H90CIMT ?40?C to +85?C 16-Lead TSSOP Package
ADC78H90CIMTX ?40?C to +85?C 16-Lead TSSOP Package, Tape Reel
ADC78H90EVAL Evaluation Board
TRI-STATE? is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
MICROWIRE? is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corpo
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