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ANNUAL REPORT 16 JANUARY 1st 2000 - DECEMBER 31st 2000 LABORATORY OF ACTUARIAL MATHEMATICS UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN LABORATORY OF ACTUARIAL MATHEMATICS ANNUAL REPORT 2000 1. The staff at the Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics 2. Introduction 3. The study programme for the Masters degree in actuarial science 4. Research activities 5. Other activities 5.1. Participation in meetings, visits to other institutions 5.2. Professional and administrative activities 5.3. Honours and awards 5.4. Referee reports 6. Courses held in 2000 7. Colloquiums at the Laboratory 8. Graduates, students, and admissions per year over the last five years 9. Graduates in 2000 and their Master theses 10. Publications from the Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics 11. Other communications 2 1. THE STAFF AT THE LABORATORY OF ACTUARIAL MATHEMATICS Full-time scientific staff: Professor, dr.philos. Ragnar Norberg (part-time from 1.4.00) Professor, dr. Hanspeter Schmidli (from 1.9.00) Associate professor Vladimir Kalashnikov Assistant professor Thomas M?ller (Ph.D. student until 1.4.00) Assistant professor Claus Vorm Christensen (from 1.8.00) Ph.D. student, cand.act. Mogens Steffensen Ph.D. student, cand.math. Deimante Rusaityte Administrative staff: Vibeke R?nn Bertelsen Jytte Madsen Pia Spiess-Henriksen Visiting professors: Professor, dr. Christian Buchta Professor, dr. Boualem Djehiche Part-time scientific staff: cand.act. Astrid Carlsen cand.act. Michael S. Christensen professor, dr. Christian Hipp associate professor Bjarne H?jgaard cand.act. Mikkel Jarb?l professor Bjarne Astrup Jensen cand.jur. Henning J?nsson cand.jur. Aase Kogsb?ll cand.polit. Steen Kristiansson chartered accountant Birger Berg Nielsen professor dr. Martin Schweizer cand.act. Bo S?ndergaard professor, dr. Michael Taksa


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