
Comparisons Between Vibration and Self-Flowing Ultra-Low Cement Castables Properties in Al2O3-SiC-C.pdf

Comparisons Between Vibration and Self-Flowing Ultra-Low Cement Castables Properties in Al2O3-SiC-C.pdf

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Comparisons Between Vibration and Self-Flowing Ultra-Low Cement Castables Properties in Al2O3-SiC-C

维普资讯 · 18·Comparison s B etw een Vib ration and S elf-Flowing Ultra-Low C em ent Ca stable s Prope rtie s in A120 3.SiC.C Sy stem trough with multi—tap hole.They have higher density, lower porosity and beter mechanical properties than the ramming mix.Castables are divided into two types,one made for vibration casting while the other for self- flowing.Self-flow castables(SFC)are characterized by their consistency after mixing,which allows them to flow and de—air without the application of external energy (i.e.,vibration).These castables have gained much interest based on their properties which do not need vibration during casting,the ability of filing narrow corners,noise free and easy installation.Low and ultra—low cement self-flowing castables in the AI,01. SiC—C system has been developed for the BF runners and troughs[4-1 2] . In the present work,physical and mechanical properties of vibration and self-flow ultra—low cement castables in A1203一SiC—C system were determined.Also, the microstructure and corosion behaviors of these castables against BF slag have been evaluated and compared with together. 2 Experimental Procedures 2.1 Raw M aterials and Composition The raw materials and composition used for the vibration refractory castables and self-flowing ultra—low cement castables in A1203·SiC·-C system are listed in Table 1.No antioxidant was in the compositions.Also. the purity and density of the starting materials that are used for this study are shown in Table 2.The particle size distribution has been calculated from the Andreasen s equation which q value in Andreasen s equation was considered q=0.24 for SFC and q=0.3 for VCR.Therefore,the percent of fine and ultra—fine particles in self-flow castable composition,such as microsilica and reactive alumina is higher than that of vibration castable. 2.2 Castable Preparation In order to produce the samples,starting materials and dry deflocculants were pre.mixed.Then,water was inco


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