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眼线,发了一篇英文版的,我想试一下,能不能翻成中文,每天翻一部分 Simplicity Clutter 怎样把文章写的简洁 Style 风格 只有把“人”写出来,才会有自己的风格 The audience 你的文章为谁而写 Words 措辞 怎样的用词会把你的文章搞坏,什么又是好的措辞 Unity 整体性 如何写出牛逼的开头和结尾,怎么寻找素材 Bits Pieces 动词,副词,形容词,缩写,that/which等等用法 1. Simplicity Clutter 简洁与繁琐 Clutter is the disease of American writing. We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon. 繁琐是英文写作的通病。在我们生活中,多余的文字,拐弯抹角的句子,华而不实的修饰,和无意义的套话,随处看见。 Fighting clutter is like fighting weeds—the writer is always slightly behind. New varieties sprout overnight, and by noon they are part of American speech. Consider what President Nixons aide John Dean accomplished in just one day of testimony on television during the Watergate hearings. The next day everyone in America was saying at this point in time instead of now. 去掉语言中的繁琐,就像除草一样——繁琐,就像杂草,总是隐藏着的,会在一夜之间发芽,第二天变成全国的口头禅。就像,水门事件的听证会上,美国尼克松总统的助手,使用的语言。第二天,全美国,都在说,“at this point in time” 而不是“now”。 Take the adjective “personal,” as in “a personal friend of mine,” “his personal feeling.” It’s typical of hundreds of words that can be eliminated. The personal friend has come into the language to distinguish him or her from the business friend, thereby debasing both language and friendship. Someone’s feeling is that person’s personal feeling—that’s what “his” means. Friends are friends, the rest is clutter. 再如,“a personal friend of mine”中的“personal”,“his personal feeling”中的“personal”,很多类似这样的词,都可以去掉。“personal friend”,这种说法,可以用来区别商业伙伴,表示友谊的深浅。有些人感觉,“his personal feeling”里,“personal”和“his”重复了。还有,朋友就是朋友,其他的修饰,都是多余??? Clutter is the ponderous euphemism that turns a slum into a depressed socioeconomic area, garbage collectors into waste disposal personnel and the town dump into the volume reduction unit. 繁琐,就是指冗长委婉的说法。例如,把贫民窟,说成经济落后地区;把收垃圾的,说成废物处理人员;把垃圾倾倒处,说成废物分解中心。 Clutter is the official language used by corporations to hide their mistakes. When General Motors had a plant shutdown, that was a “volume-relat


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