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Section B Ⅰ. Material analysis 本课是第七单元话题二的第二课时。本节课的主要活动是1a和2。进一步学习并巩固情态动词can/can’t表示个人能力的功能用语并导入新词汇smart和count。本节课对学生的听力能力的训练方式较多,如听录音检测内容;听录音填写表格;听录音完成歌词。不仅训练学生听力理解能力和识辨图片的能力,而且培养学生听关键信息并速记的技能。 Ⅱ. Teaching aims Knowledge aims 能够根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并运用于情景对话中: smart, count 掌握can/can’t表示个人能力的表达法,如: (1) I can …very well. (2) I can … a little. (3) I can’t … at all. 能用英语表扬和鼓励他人:You are so smart! 能用英语表达自我意愿: I would like to take these flowers to the party. Skill aims 能够听懂有关现在能做和不能做的事情的对话和简单的故事; 能够听懂简单的课堂用语并作出适当反应; 能够和同伴就能做和不能做的事情进行口头交流; 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话; 能够参照图片或范例写出简单的句子。 3. Emotional aims 通过学习英文歌曲,体会到学习英语的乐趣; 通过小组间良性竞争与合作,培养学生之间友好互助的精神。 Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points Key points 能够应用情态动词can引导的Or Questions,如: —Can Ann dance or draw? —She can dance. 能够用can/can’t表示能的有关程度,如:She can do it a little/very well. 能够熟练使用表达自我意愿的表达方式。 2. Difficult points 正确使用情态动词can引导的Or Questions。 Ⅳ. Learning strategies 能在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息帮助理解。 Ⅴ. Teaching aids 教学图片、录音机、黑板和多媒体 Ⅵ. Teaching procedures Step Interaction patterns Student activity Teacher activity Introduction (6 minutes) The whole class work. The whole class work and individual work. 3.Individual work and pair work. Focus their attention on the teacher and sing the song together. Do 4. Try to fill in the blanks. And sing the song together. Then answer the questions: T:What can you do? S1:I can .... T:Can you ...? S1:Yes, I can./No, I can’t. Look and guess the picture. Talk about your opinion about the picture with your partner. Greet with students and sing the song that they have sung last lesson. Play the tape and show the song on the blackboard. Let students fill in the blanks and sing the song completely. Help the students revise the expressions they’ve learnt last class. 3.Show the picture in 1a and ask the question: What can Parrot do? Then let students guess the picture and say out their opinion a


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