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The man could see that she was frightened,so in his friendliest voice he said,“Im here to help you,madam.Why dont you wait in the car to get warm?By the way,my name is Bryan Anderson.” It took Bryan about fifty minutes to fix the car.The lady felt quite thankful and she asked how much she should pay him. But Bryan wanted no money.①对他来说,帮助别人很正常。He said,“If you want to repay me,next time you see someone in need,just give out your friendly hand.” After saying goodbye,the lady continued down the road till she reached a small cafe.She stopped for something to eat.As the pretty waitress stood next to her,the lady noticed she was nearly eight months pregnant(怀孕).②Although_she_looked_tired,she_still_served_the_customers_with_a_smile_on_her_face.As the old lady was going to pay the $10 bill,she remembered Bryans words. The old lady paid one hundred-dollar bill.But when the waitress returned with the change,the lady was gone.On the table she saw a small note.Her eyes were filled with tear when she read it,“Somebody once helped me the way Im helping you.If you want to pay me back,continue being kind to others.” Under the note were nine more $100 bills. Was the old lady an angel?The waitress was so excited that she called her husband to tell the story.“Bryan…Bryan Anderson my dear… youre not going to believe what has happened…” Love needs to be passed on.Everyone can be an angel. 请根据短文内容完成下列任务。 1.Did the old lady believe in Bryan at the beginning of the story?Why? No,she didnt. Because she thought the man could/was going to hurt her. 2.请将画线句子①翻译成英语。 Its common for him to help others. 3.请将画线句子②翻译成汉语。 尽管她看起来很累,但她脸上带着微笑为顾客服务。 4.请根据短文内容将句子补充完整,使句子意思连贯。 The waitress found _________and_________________. on the table when she returned with the change. 5.What have you learned from the story?(with one sentence) Love needs to be passed on. a note nine more $100 bills * (人教版) 中考题型七 任务型阅读 英语 1.命题原则 任务型阅读在近几年的中考试卷中频频出现,任务型阅读要求学生在阅读理解的基础上,去完成多项任务或问题,注重学生运用语言“做事”的能力,是考查学生运用所学英语知识解决实际问题的一种新题型


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