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高一英语Module 1 Life in the Future外研社 【本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: Module 1 Life in the Future 教学目标: 本模块的主题为“未来的生活”,阅读部分通过学生的想象描绘了未来城市的发展前景。我们要通过这些内容掌握有关词汇, 培养有关语言技能。 单词: brick concrete mud alternative crime prediction risky resource material rely solar urban load landfill arrest criminal fire limit outdoors online catalogue command recreation bowling softball charge power flick switch surgery telesurgery outpatient clinic disability attach spaceport optimistic dishwasher definitely eventually colony predict shape pad doormat 短语: for sure run out rely on get rid of place order free of charge look out use up on the way out for a start 重点词语: crime prediction risky resource material rely solar urban load arrest fire limit outdoors online charge power disability attach for sure run out rely on get rid of place order free of charge look out use up on the way out for a start 词语要点归纳: 1. What do / does sb. like 与What be sb. / sth. like 与How do you Iike / find sb. / sth.与what be sb. 辨析:(1)What do / does sb. like ?表示“某人喜欢什么?”如:What does he usually like most in his school ? 在他的学校,他最喜欢什么? (2) What be sb. / sth. like ?表示“某人某物是什么特征”,既可指外部特征,也可指内在性格。 如:①Could you tell me what your son is like ? 你能告诉我你的儿子长什么样吗? ②What is your elder brother like ? 你的哥哥性格如何? (3) How do you like sb. / sth. 询问“你认为……怎么样?” 如:How do you like the film we saw yesterday ? 你认为我们昨天看的那场电影怎样? (4) What be sb. 指询问某人“干什么工作”。 如:What is your cousin ?你表弟干啥工作? 2. No one knows for sure and making predictions is a risky business. 没有人确切地了解,预测也是一件很冒险的事。 for sure 肯定地 [注意] for sure = for certain 相当于certainly 和surely。 ① 一Will you go with us?你愿和我们去吗? 一For sure. 当然啦。 ② I think he’ll return safe , but I can’t say for sure. 我认为他会安全回来,不过我不敢肯定。 【归纳】 ① be sure of ( about )确信,深信 ② make sure (


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