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高二英语基础复习2 本试卷高二英语期末模块八复习使用 供稿人:Betty 第单元复习 Section I (Reading ) 重要短语 …into 7. be well/better/best known 8. at a time 9. be lost to 10. be set in 11. would rather do….than do 12. add….to/add to/ add up to 13. set sb free (from)/free sb. from 14. can’t wait to do/can hardly wait to do 15. develop the shortcomings of… 16. have prejudiced against/be prejudiced against 17. be bent on sth./doing 18. give away 重要句型 I do not think that these classic novels would be made into films if they had nothing to do with life today. Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip. Classic novels often have symbols which add interest , tension or deeper meaning to the text. The fortune sets him free from financial worries. Pip makes the abrupt decision to move from Kent , (which is a constant reminder of his shabby beginnings, to the bright lights of London. Excited by his move to London , Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life. Before long , he develops the shortcomings of being shabby and having prejudice ,even against his old companions. Pip dislikes it when Joe comes to visit him in London. 例句:I hate it when people speak with their mouth full. I will appreciate it if you can give me a ride. I like it when the weather is warm. He has rigid ideas of what it means to be civil and to be a gentlemen.(what引导的宾语从句) Is an educated person with a lot of money a gentleman? Or is a gentleman somebody who is kind and good to his friends?(选择问句) Section II (word power, grammar and usage, task) 重要短语…..from 5. be badly treated 6. throw ….out of 7. care about/care for 8. be forced to do 9. take sb. to/before court 10. be reunited with 11. draw attention to 12. make…..out of 13. brand new 14. have talent for/have a gift for 15. throw ….at 16. let out a sad sigh 17. lead sb to do 18. from beginning to end 重要句型 autobiography. The classics are far from disappearing. 例句: The result


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