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摘 要 信贷结构是信贷资产运作的重要内容,其合理与否】Credit structure is an important part of the operation of credit assets of agricultural credit cooperatives, and its reasonable or not affect the safety and operating benefits of credit assets of agricultural credit cooperatives.. Optimization and adjustment of the credit structure, to reduce the credit risk and management risk of rural credit cooperatives, enhance their core competitiveness, the best combination of income of rural credit cooperatives to achieve maximization and risk minimization, and help in the realization of the purpose of the rural credit cooperatives Service of three rural issues, from and better promote the development of rural economy, highlight the rural credit cooperatives as the main force of rural financial development status and role. This paper expounds the credit structure optimization theory, the author introduces the general situation of Yangcheng County Rural Credit Cooperatives, from three angles of the loan five grades classification structure, term structure and industry structure analysis the status quo of Yangcheng County Rural Credit Cooperatives and credit structure, points out the existing problems and forming reasons in the summary of these problems based on the proposed corresponding solutions, and strive to Yangcheng County Rural Credit Cooperatives to optimize credit structure, effective use of credit assets, improve loan quality and efficiency has practical significance. Keywords Agricultural credit cooperative Credit structure Credit structure optimization 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.2.1国外研究现状 2 1.2.2国内研究现状 3 1.3 研究目的、意义、方法 4 1.3.1研究目的 4 1.3.2研究意义 5 1.3.3研究方法 5 第2章 信贷结构优化的理论基础 6 2.1 信贷结构的内涵 6 2.2 贷款组合理论 6 2.3 信贷配给理论 7 2.4 信息不对称理论 8 第3章 阳城县农村信用合作联社信贷结构的现状 9 3.1 阳城县农信社简介 9 3.2 阳城县农信社的信贷结构现状分析 10 3.2.1 贷款五级分类结构分析 10 3.2.2 信贷期限结构分析 11 3.2.3 信贷行业结构分析 13 第4章 阳城县农信社信贷结构存在的问题 15 4.1 信贷期限长短搭配不合理 15 4.2 不良贷款比重较高 16 4.3 贷款品种较少 17 4.4 优质客户与市场份额的流失 18 第5章 阳城县农信社


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