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Unit 2 第4课时 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.He didnt shout; he just g________ at me silently. 2.The hotel c________ comfort with convenience, so its very popular. 3.The new regulations will be of b________to everyone concerned. 4.We were poor but we never got into d________. 5.The teaching of history shouldnt be l________to dates and figures. 答案: 1.glared 译文:他没有喊叫,只是默默地怒视着我。 2.combines 译文:这家旅馆既舒适又方便,因此很受欢迎。 3.benefit 译文:新规章将使所有有关人员受益。 4.debt 译文:我们穷是穷,但从不负债。 5.limited 译文:教授历史不应该只局限于讲年代和人物。 Ⅱ.选词填空 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 earn ones living, throw away, get away with, get rid of, cut down, tell lies, be full of, frustrate, glare at, be tired of, in debt, be amazed at 1.After________each other for several minutes, the two men began to fight fiercely. 2.When life was difficult in the past, she________by singing in a nightclub. 3.I have had the same food for a month—now I________it and I will never try it any more. 4.The concert hall________people when I got there. 5.You ought to________your intake of rich foods in order to keep healthy. 6.I used the weed-killer to________the weeds in the garden. 7.So when are you going to ________those old magazines of yours? 8.________is a bad habit especially for the young. 9.The couple who are________to their relatives have gone to another city. 10.If I thought I could________it, I wouldnt pay any tax at all. 答案:1.glaring at 2.earned her living 3.am tired of 4.was full of 5.cut down 6.get rid of 7.throw away 8.Telling lies 9.in debt 10.get away with Ⅲ.短文填空 根据课文内容,填入合适的词。 After doing research in the library, Pengwei found out the truth.________his nor Yonghuis restaurant was perfect. He thought Yonghui was too thin while Yonghui told him things________have turned out better if he had been slimmer. “A perfect diet should be a(n)________diet,” thought to himself, “and the only way to reach a win-win ending is to________the two of our restaurants. We should stop the competition and start the________.” And________they did! They worked together to provide customers with



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