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授课人 李上上 授课时间 9月1日 课时计划 3课时 课题 Unit 13 People lesson 1 课型 新授/复习/讲评 新授 教学目标 1 Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text. To be able to talk about EQ and IQ To practise using Past Participles 2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words. 3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss pay attention to improve their EQ, which is the same important as IQ. 重点难点 To practise using Past Participles with various functions in sentences 教法学法 computer and cassette 学生自主活动 Discussing speaking 课前预、复习 Review the vocabulary 学情分析 Many students think that reading is very difficult to learn, and some of them will quit it. These are the problems about this lesson. 板书设计 1. speak about  We couldn’t get him to speak about his war experiences.  2. interest可以和某些动词搭配   He has no interest in fine arts.    I’ve lost my interest in collecting coins.     The guests showed great interest in the new design.   3.come to an end  The meeting came to an end at last.     4. amazing adj. 指 物 amazed adj.感到惊异的 , 指人 amaze vt. 使…惊异   The amazing performance amazed me.  The amazing performance made me amazed. 无文本听力训练可以训练学生的听力理解能力,训练以简单的是与否形式进行,更易于学生掌握。听力也可以帮助课文的讲解。 利用问答的方式帮助学生更完整的理解全文,进一步锻炼阅读能力。 找出重点的单词、短语、句型进行详细讲解。 利用多媒体帮助学生巩固关键知识点。 给出关键词,请学生尝试利用关键词来复述课文,从而检测学生对文章及知识点的理解程度。 生生互动帮助学生自己发现IQ、EQ的关系及重要性,小组合作给出报告陈述个人观点既可以挺高学生的合作意识又可以提高写作水平。 作业布置 Write a short passage to present your ideas about EQ or IQ. 课 后 反 思 Repeat the reading materials after reading. If you do it like that, Ss can read them more clearly and are interested in the content. 授课人 李上上 授课时间 课时计划 2课时 课题 Unit?13 People Lesson?2?Personalities?and?Jobs 课型 新授/复习/讲评 新授 教学目标 To?practise?describing?people?and?talking?about?jobs. 2.To?practise?listening?in?order?to?identify?opinions. 3.To?get?familiar?with?different?ways?of?giving?opinions.? 4.To?practise?using?suitable?intonations?in?conversations.? 重点难点 To?practise?l


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