Processing center reference point and fault diagnosisProcessing center reference point and fault diagnosis.doc
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Processing center reference point and fault diagnosisProcessing center reference point and fault diagnosis
Processing center reference point and fault diagnosis???Processing center, also known as the origin or zero reference point is the machines mechanical and electrical origin coincides with the point of origin is the zero return on the fixed point after a mechanical. Each machine can have a reference to the origin, can also be set according to need more than one reference to the origin, for automatic tool changer (ATC) or automatic tray switching (APC) and so on. Workpiece coordinate system reference point as the original frame of reference, the machine reference point is confirmed, the workpiece coordinate system is then established. The so-called mechanical origin, is the basic reference point for the machine coordinate system, mechanical parts, once assembled, the mechanical origin immediately established. The so-called electrical origin, is detected by the machine used by the feedback component of the grid points given by the zero mark signal or signals to establish a reference point. To make electrical origin coincides with the mechanical origin, must be the origin of the electrical distance from the origin to the machine origin offset by a set of parameters. This coincidence is the machine zero point. In the process of machining centers, machine manually or automatically back to the reference point is the regular action. Regardless of the feedback component testing machine is equipped with an incremental encoder or absolute encoder pulse, in some cases, such as the ATC or APC process, a machine tool axis or all axes must first refer back to the origin.??Testing machine according to the origin of the signal detection devices in different ways, to return the machine reference point in two ways. Way for the grid-point method, another method for the magnetic switch. Point method in the gate, the detector with a turn signal while the motor to generate a grid point or a zero pulse, to install a mechanical body block and hit a slow deceleration switch, numerical co
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