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高考4000词汇速记课程(4) 泰山高联培训学校 本课程所应用的十大英语词汇记忆策略 1.词根词缀 2.词根联想 3.词性变换 4.熟词多义 5.同义词反义词 6.分类 7.谐音 8.趣闻笑话 9.搭配与词块 10.语境例句1.词根词缀 26) don, dat -L to give 给,施舍 data [given facts] 资料,数据 单数datum date [a given day of the year 一年中的某一天] 日期 donate [don+ate to give sth. freely 无偿给予] 捐献,奉献,赠与 donation [don+ation a gift freely given无偿给予的礼物] 捐赠物,捐赠 27)duc, duct -L to lead 引导,领入,引入 conduct [con(with, together共同)+duct→ to lead together引在一起] 指导,领导 conductor [con(with, together共同)+duct+or(person)→ one who leads together]指导者,领队 introduce [intro(into入内)+duce→to lead into]引进,输入,介绍,提出 introduction [intro(into入内)+duct+ion→the act of leading into]介绍,传入,采用,引言 produce [pro(forward向前)+duce→to lead forward] 制造,生产,引出 product [pro(forward向前)+duct→that which is led forth引导至前面的物品] 产品,产物 production [pro(forward向前)+duct+ion→the act of leading forth]制造,生产品 reduce [re(back回头)+duce→to lead back] 减少,降低,缩减 reduction [re(back回头)+duct+ion→the act of leading back] 减少,降低,缩减 28) erg, org -Gr to work 工作,起作用 energetic [en(in在内部)+erg+et+ic→describing the strength to work] 精力充沛的,精神饱满的 energy [en(in在内部)+erg+y→在内部工作the strength to work] 能量,能力,活力 organ [an instrument, tool, part of the physical body which works] 器官,组织 organic 有机的,器官的 organism [活组织中起作用的每个细胞] 有机体,有机组织 organization [为某一目标合力工作的一群人] 机构,组织,团体 organize [to put ideas, plans, work into a working order] 组织,编排,使条理化 29) port -L to carry, to bear 搬运,负担 export [ex(out)+port→to carry out, as in goods] vt. 输出,运出,带走 import [im(in)+port→to carry in, as in goods] vt. exportation [ex(out)+port+ation→the act of carrying out] 输出,出口,输出品 importation [im(in)+port+ation→the act of carrying in] 输入,进口,进口货 portable [port+able] able to be carried 轻便的,便携的 report [re(bck回头)+port→that which is carried back or to carry back information] 报告,汇报 reporter [re(bck回头)+port+er→one who carries back news] 记者,报告人,新闻广播员 support [sup(=sub=under底下)+port→to carry or bear from under] 支持,托住 supporter [one who bears or carries from under] 支持者,拥护者 tansport [trans(across过对面)+port→to carry across搬到对面] 运输


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