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Lesson Fifteen The Beauty Industry ? ?   一、Words and Expressions (See P229)   1.abdomen n. belly   饿的肚子empty belly   2.apparatus 仪器,装置n. a set of instruments, equipment, device   实验室设备laboratory apparatus   呼吸器械breath apparatus   3.austere adj. 苦行的,苦修的,简朴的   The room was furnished in austere style. 房屋的陈设很简单。   adv. austerely n. austerity   4.avarice n. greed 贪婪,贪心   adj. avaricious=greedy adv. avariciously—beautiful—beautify—beautification: glamorization 美化   6.bootleg 贩卖私酒   7.cheapen 降价   -en suff.(后缀)   ①To cause to be: 使变成: cheapen 使…便宜   ②To become: 变成: redden 变红   ③To cause to have: 使…有: hearten 鼓励   ④To come to have: 使成为: lengthen 变长   8.connoisseur 鉴赏家   9.consummate v. perfect 使圆满   adj. 尽善尽美的   n. consummation   这个奖是我一生工作的圆满结果。   This award consummates my lifes work.   10.conversely adv.   adj./n. converse the converse = the opposite   他们持相反的意见。   They hold converse opinions.   11.cult n. 狂热的崇拜devotion   cult of sb./sth.   cult of physical fitness对健美的狂热追求   12.curl n./v. 使卷曲 curly adj. (头发)卷曲的   13.diffusion n.   通过书本和讲座进行知识传播   the diffusion of knowledge through books and lectures   v. diffuse   ①传播,散布 spread   diffuse a scent, odor, light, heat, knowledge   He diffused his enthusiasm all around him. 他热情奔放。   政党的宣传海报posters diffusing party propaganda   ②慢慢扩散   一滴奶在水中慢慢地扩散开去。   A drop of milk diffused in the water.   14.disharmony—harmony 不和睦,不和谐 disagreement   I recognized the disharmony between husband and wife.   adj. disharmonious disharmony—harmony   15.distress n./v. 极大痛苦,悲伤, 使某人痛苦great pain, sorrow   After a whole days work, they showed signs of distress.   ???天的工作之后,他们显出极难受的样子。   Her death is a great distress to all the family.   adj. distressful,distressing adv. distressfully,distressingly   v. distress   I was most distressed to hear the sad news of your fathers death.   Dont distress yourself. 请不要忧愁。   16.expend—expensive—expenditure   I. expend sth. on/upon (doing) sth. 花费 spend, use   在一项目上花费时间,金钱,精力   expend time, mon


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