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针灸治疗女性肥胖伴发更年期综合症80例临床观察 广州美铭公司 杨梅 王远庆 [摘要]肥胖是临床常见病,多发病,是指体内热量摄入大于消耗,造成脂肪在体内积聚过多,导致体重超常的病症,其中无明显内分泌代谢疾病因可寻者称之为单纯性肥胖,占总数的95%以上,其发病率主要与人民的生活水平相关。肥胖伴发更年期综合征主要是E2,NO,NOS水平异常低下,LH,FSH,GnRH水平异常升高,交感神经亢奋,LR和IR可能是针灸对肥胖伴发更年期综合征患者下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴系,植物神经和血管疏缩功能的良性调节作用以纠正LR和IR可能是针灸治疗肥胖伴发更年期综合征的作用机制重要组成部分。笔者在一年的临床实习中,在疗师的指导下,运用扬刺配合拔罐疗法,对80例肥胖伴发更年期综合症患者进行治疗,疗效满意,现报道如下:[主题词] 刺法 耳穴 拔火罐疗法 肥胖更年期综合症针灸疗法 The 80 cases Clinical Observation of Female Obesity accompany with Involutional Comprehensive Syndrom treated by Acupuncture Obesity is a common and frequent occurring clinical disease, which refers to the illnesses of more heart taking than consumption with the result of over accumulation of fat in the body, further with supernormal of weight. Among the illnesses with no finding of obvious cause of endocrinolofical metabolism are called simple obesity which take up the total more than 95%, the morbidity of which are relevant to people’s living standard. Obesity accompany with invohitional comprehensive syndrom is mainly caused by the abnormal lower of E2 NO, NOS level, the abnormal higher of LH, FSH, GnRH level, the over exciting of sympathetic neuron, LR and LR. The positive regulating effect of acupuncture to hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary axis of patient with obesity accompany with involutional comprehensive syndrom, autonomic nerve and dredging and contraction function of blood vessel as to rectify LR and IR is possible the significant acting mechanism component of acupuncture cures obesity accompany with involutional comprehensive syndrom. During one year of clinical practice under the guiding of acupuncture physician, the writer has already treated 80 cases of obesity accompany with involutional comprehensive syndrom combined with acupuncture and cupping therapy and, the curative effect is satisfactory. 临床资料 1.1一般资料:本组80例均系门诊病人,其中年龄最大者58岁,最小者41岁,平均46.5岁,病程最短者六个月,最长者12年。 1.2诊断依据 1.2.1判断肥胖的标准首先要看标准体重: 标准体重,我国北方人标准体重(公斤)=[身高(厘米)-150]ⅹ0.6+50 我国南方人标准体重(公斤)=[身高(厘米)-



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