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第 35罄第 2期 2013年 4月 土 木 建 筑 与 环 境 工 程 Journal of Civil.Architectural Environmental Engineering Vol_35 NO.2 Apr.2013 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674—4764.2013.02.004 干砌填充墙框架结构抗侧性能及简化计算 林 坤 ,刘红军 ,Totoev Yuri (1.哈 尔滨工业大 学 深圳研 究生院 ,深圳市城市与土木 工程 防灾减 灾重点实验 室 ,深圳 518055; 2.纽卡斯尔大学 基础设施性能与可靠度中心,澳大利亚纽卡斯 尔 2308) 摘 要:利用拟静力试验结果和有限元结果对干砌填充墙框架结构的受力机理进行分析。在充分 考虑并联模型和等效斜支撑模型后 ,把钢筋混凝土框架及干砌填充墙抗侧 力贡献单独分析 ,研 究填 充墙内砌块密度、摩擦系数及砌块层数等对结构抗侧力的影响。研究表明:1)平面应力单元及界 面单元能够模拟干砌填充墙 的受力性能。根据该模型,试验对应工况下,无浆填充墙框架最终失效 由框架破坏产生 ;2)无浆填充墙抗侧 力贡献主要 源于 内部砌块之 间的相互摩擦 力,且该抗侧 力分 为恒定段 、加强段以及极 限承载力 3段 ;3)提 出了无浆填充墙抗侧力分段公式并得到 了试验及有限 元 结果 的验证 。 关键词 :无浆填充墙框架结构;有限元分析;并联模 型;等效斜撑模型 ;抗侧力 中图分类号 :TU398.5 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :1674—4764(2013)02—0021—07 Lateral Bearing Capacity and Simplified einforcement Concrete Equations of Frame Structure Lin Kun .Liu Hongjun 。Totoev yu厂 (1.Shenzhen Graduate School,Harbin Institute of Technology,Shenzhen Key Lab of Urban&J Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention 8L Reduction,Shenzhen 518055,P.R.China; 2.Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability,University of Newcastle,Calaghan NSW 2308,Australia) Abstract:The mechanism and lateral bearing capacity of reinforcement concrete(RC)frame with dry—stack in—filled panel (DSIP) were investigated using quasi—static experiments and finite element models. According to the parallel model and equivalent strut model,the lateral bearing capacity of RC frame and DSIP were researched separately.Results show that:1)The plain stress element and interface element are aDplicable in finite element(FE)model analysis.According to the FE model,the failure of RC frame with DSIP is caused bv the damage of frame;2)Lateral bearing capacity of DSIP is mainly from the friction between bricks in the Dane1, which can be divided into 3 stages: constant stage,increasing stage and ultimate stage; 3) Equations for lateral bearing capacity of DSIP were proposed and verified by FE model results. Kev Words:dry-stack in—filled reinforcement concrete frame structure;finit



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