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 President Obama was watching on a TV screen as a commando gunned down Osama Bin Laden. Via a video camera fixed to the helmet of a U.S. Navy Seal, the leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye. The Seal then carried out what is known in the military as a ‘double tap’ – shooting him again, probably in the chest, to make certain he was dead. The footage of the battle in Bin Laden’s Pakistani hideout – relayed to the White House by satellite – is said to show one of his wives acting as a human shield to protect him as he blasted away with an AK47 assault rifle. She died, along with three other men, including one of Bin Laden’s sons. Within hours, the Al Qaeda leader’s body was buried at sea.   当地时间5月1日晚,美国总统奥巴马深夜发表全国电视演讲,宣布“基地”组织领导人奥萨马·本·拉登已被美军打死。消息传出后,白宫外等待听取美国总统奥巴马讲话的人群发出欢呼,人们挥舞旗帜予以庆祝,而就在奥巴马颇有“风度”地向外界公布拉登的死讯后,“贴心”的美国政府也同时公布了当奥巴马以及他的团队在指挥部观看射杀本拉登现场实况进展的录影带,在录影带中,我们看到奥巴马一改一如既往的镇定自若的神情,“死盯”屏幕,而在旁的国务卿希拉里更是显露出她女强人以外的一面,右手捂着嘴巴,像是真是被吓坏了。他们会不会在想:上帝啊,希望这次拉登是真的死,是真的死!别打错人啊,赶快验DNA!别到时候宣布他死了之后,他又出来对外讲话啊!据悉,美国五角大楼透露,按照伊斯兰教传统和习俗对本·拉登的尸体进行处理后,美国动用航母为拉登进行海葬,他的葬身之地位于北阿拉伯海域。他们透露,选择海葬是因为一直难以找到愿意接受这位恐怖分子头目遗体的国家。 Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children. 晚上好。今天晚上,我终于能向美国人民和全世界宣布,美国指挥的一项行动已经将基地组织的头目奥萨马·本·拉登击毙,他要为成千上万美国无辜的男人女人和儿童的死亡负责。 It was nearly 10 years ago that a bright September day was darkened by the worst attack on the American people in our history. The images of 9/11 are seared into our national memory -- hijacked planes cutting through a cloudless September sky; the Twin Towers collapsing to the ground; black smoke billowing up from the Pentagon; the wreckage of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the actions of heroic citizens saved even more heartbreak and destruction. 那个阳光明媚的九月被美国有史以来遭受的最惨重的恐怖袭击遮蔽,距今就要



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