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中国真藓属孢子形态的研究 1 杜 桂 森 2 汪 楣 芝 2 张 玉 龙 1 (首都师范大学生物系 北京 100037) 2 (中国科学院植物研究所 北京 100093) A STUDY ON THE SPORE MORPHOLOGY OF BRYUM HEDW. IN CHINA 1 DU Gui Sen 2 WANG Mei Zhi 2 ZHANG Yu Long 1 ( Depar tment of Biology , Cap ital Normal Univ ersity , Beijing 100037) 2 ( I nst itut e of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sci ences, Beijing 100093) Abstract Spore morphology of thirteen species of the genus Bryum Hedw . w ere observed by LM and SEM. The results show that the ornamentat ion of spore exine could be divided into three types: Type , blunt at the top of baculate processes, to w hich four species be long: Bryum ar genteum , B . lonchocaulon, B. ul iginosum and B . arcticum . Type , sharp or w ith small processes at the top of baculate processes, represented by seven species: B . pallescens , B . caesp it icium , B . pallens, B . pseudotriquet rum , B . paradoxum , B . alp inum and B . thomsoii . Type , expanded into hemispherical shaped at the top of bac ulate processes, represented by tw o species: B . coronatum and B . sauter i . The Bryum species may also be divided into three groups according to the variat ion of spore diam eter. Group , w ith spore diameter under 10 m, including one species, B . uliginosum . Group , w ith spore diameter 11~ 20 m, including seven species: B. argenteum , B . alp inum, B . coronatum , B . pallens , B . paradoxum , B . sauteri , B. thom sonii . Group , spore diameter 21~ 30 m, w ith f ive species: B . pallescens , B . caesp i ticium , B . p seudot riquetr um , B . lonchocaulon, B . arct icum . There are resemblances of spore morpholog y and ex ine ornamentat ion among the thirteen species. In the view of palynology , the genus Bryum is a natural taxon which is more advanced than the genus Pohlia Hedw . But spores of thirteen species are different at some characters such as diameter, shape of prox imal leptoma, etc. , which indicates the genet ic dif ferent iat ion in the genus Bryum . Key words Bryum ; Spore morpholog y 摘要 通过光学显微镜和扫描



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