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中 国 鼻 咽 癌 流 行 概 况 梁 锌,杨 剑,高 婷,张志超,陈艳佳,郑荣寿 (国家癌症中心 / 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院,北京 100021 ) 摘 要:通过国际癌症研究所( IARC )发布的全球鼻咽癌数据库,获取中国及世界部分其它地 区或国家的鼻咽癌发病、死亡数据库,分析比较中国与全球不同地区的鼻咽癌流行情况,了解 中国与全球其他地区的鼻咽癌负担情况。 研究发现,中国鼻咽癌分别占全球鼻咽癌发病和死 亡的 38.29% 和 40.14% ,发病率和死亡率高于世界平均水平( 1.2/10 万, 0.7/10 万),分别位列发 病和死亡顺位的第 18 位和 23 位,且男性高于女性。 中国的鼻咽癌发病以青壮年人口为主,死 亡以中老年人口为主,但发病率和死亡率都是在老年人口( 65 岁以上)相对较高。 鼻咽癌预后 相对较差,生存率相对较低,我国鼻咽癌负担相对较重,应该在该人群中积极开展鼻咽癌筛查和 诊治工作,同时鉴于鼻咽癌的地域性发病差异,应该在我国两广地区加强鼻咽癌的防控工作。 关键词:鼻咽癌;发病率;死亡率;中国 中图分类号: R739.63 ; R73-31 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004-0242 ( 2016 ) 11-0835-06 doi : 10.11735/j.issn.1004-0242.2016.11.A001 Nasopharynx Cancer Epidemiology in China LIANG Xin , YANG Jian , GAO Ting , et al. ( National Cancer Center/Cancer Hospital , Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking U- nion Medical College , Beijing 100021 , China ) Abstract : Analysis and comparison of the nasopharynx cancer burden in China and other regions of the world with using incidence and mortality rates , which obtain from the global cancer database published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). It was found that both na- sopharynx cancer incidence and mortality in China account for 38.29% and 40.14% of global na- sopharynx cancer , respectively , with a high level of incidence and mortality (1.9/10 5 and 1.2/10 5 ) , which ranked as 18 and 23 in the word , respectively. Incidence and mortality of nasopharynx can- cer are higher for male than for female. The number of new cases of nasopharynx cancer in China is relatively large in the young and middle aged , and the number of deaths is relatively large in the middle-aged and aged , but the incidence and mortality of nasopharynx cancer are both relatively high in old group over 65 years of age. The burden of nasopharynx is relatively large in China , with a relatively bad prognosis and a low level of survival rate , and this suggested that the screen- ing should start actively among the high risk group of nasopharynx cancer , especially in Guang- dong


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