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* Examples * 2 1 3 4 5 * * CONCLUSION ? Reiterates importance of study or findings ? May suggest need for further research * 思考以下几个问题: 你的问题是什么?(What is the problem?) 你的工作是什么?(What is your work?) 你的研究结果有什么创新?(Results of your work) 工作有什么特色和优势?(Advantages of your work) Abstract !!! * APPEARANCE – “first impressions” are important to reviewers ? Title page – Clear, concise title Authors, affiliations clearly identified ? Headings – be consistent (they should form an outline) ? Tables and Figures – clear and sufficiently labeled ? References - check for duplication; follow journal’s instructions The last, but not the least * Proof and Edit Once the paper is written, get away from it After a period of time, print a HARD COPY of it, read it with a pen in hand, making corrections as you read Once the paper is revised, read it again as a “reader” rather than the “writer” 尤其注意以下几点:not clear不清楚,not accurate不准确,其他包括题目和引言not concise不简练,研究方法not complete不完整等。 * Your Paper is ACCEPTED Celebrate! Then, get back to work! * Everybody likes good story,be sure that the manuscript is: Clear Accurate Comprehensive Concise Complete Accessible Organized Appropriately Presented (Appearance) 什么样的文章才是一篇好文章呢? “有趣、重要”,是主观评价,重要不一定有趣, 同一个题目,甲感兴趣,乙不一定。 * 具体回答以下问题: 别人能够看懂你的文章(clarified, logical) 别人看完能够知道你在做什么? (what to do) (Abstract) 别人看完能够知道你为什么做? (why to do) (Introduction) 别人能够知道你是怎么做的? (how to do) (study design and methods) 你的工作有什么贡献? (results and contribution) 你的工作有文献依据吗? (references) 文章组织结构如何? (logical) 你的文章符合你所投的期刊吗? (the appropriate field) 在平时工作的过程中,要留心一些研究设计和写作较好的论文,保存整理,仿照它们的样式来写作自己的论文,只是模仿,切勿抄袭。 * Rejected! Now what? Do not Be surprised! Almost every paper is rejected AT LEAST once Despair Give up * ? Failing to do a THOROUGH search of the medical literature ? Relying on bibliographies of other publications as being accurate ? Assuming that your research is unique ? Overlooking or failing to include ALL rel


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