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Thanks QA VIM插件管理及python开发环境配置 by 胡阳 2013-03-01 blog: 一般情况下的VIM插件管理 插件 为何如此麻烦? 看样子你需要vundle 一个插件管理工具,来看看吧 vundle git clone /gmarik/vundle.git .vim/bundle/vundle STEP 1 STEP 2 set nocompatible be iMproved filetype off required! set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ call vundle#rc() let Vundle manage Vundle required! Bundle gmarik/vundle My Bundles here: original repos on github Bundle tpope/vim-fugitive Bundle Lokaltog/vim-easymotion Bundle rstacruz/sparkup, {rtp: vim/} Bundle tpope/vim-rails.git vim-scripts repos Bundle L9 Bundle FuzzyFinder non github repos Bundle git:///command-t.git 初始配置.vimrc 然后BundleInstall 要装这些 STEP 3 ctrlp.vim ctrl+p文件快速跳转 jedi-vim 代码智能提示 lusty 最近打开过的文件 nerdtree 目录树 Syntastic/ 代码规范检查 vim-fugitive git状态 上git一搜即可 STEP 4 比如:ctrlp.vim Bundle ? Bundle davidhalter/jedi-vim Bundle sjbach/lusty Bundle scrooloose/nerdtree Bundle vim-scripts/Syntastic 需要flake8 Bundle tpope/vim-fugitive 删除和更新 STEP 5 :BundleClean :BundleInstall! .vimrc配置三部分 STEP 6 插件管理 基础配置 键盘映射 一、插件管理 STEP 7 配置vundle安装 set nocompatible be iMproved filetype off required! set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ call vundle#rc() let Vundle manage Vundle required! Bundle gmarik/vundle My Bundles here: original repos on github Bundle davidhalter/jedi-vim Bundle scrooloose/nerdtree Bundle kien/ctrlp.vim Bundle sjbach/lusty Bundle tpope/vim-fugitive Bundle vim-scripts/Syntastic vim-scripts repos Bundle L9 non github repos Bundle git:///command-t.git 二、基础配置 STEP 8 一些基本配置 filetype plugin indent on required! let mapleader = , let g:mapleader = , Ignore case when searching set ignorecase When searching try to be smart about cases set smartcase Highlight search results set hlsearch Makes search act like search in modern browsers set incsearch Use spaces instead of tabs set expandtab Be smart when using tabs ;) set smarttab 1 tab == 4 spaces set


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