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机械手论文:海洋采矿机械手设计及有限元计算 【中文摘要】随着人口的增长,人类社会面临着资源日益锐减的局面,开发和寻求的新的资源成为了人类生存发展的趋势,陆地资源的减少使人们把资源的开发利用的目标转向了太空和海洋。海洋面积占地球面积的71%,其开发利用的潜能不可估量。可以说海洋简直就是一个聚宝盆,其中矿产资源的种类就令人惊叹。在深海地区,蕴藏着多金属结核矿和硫化矿,这些矿产又是人类生存发展的重要资源。近年来科学家们在大洋底发现了这样一种极具开采价值的矿产资源“热液硫化物”,它是一种块状或者软泥状的海底矿藏,数量相当巨大,是一种极有开发前途的大洋矿产资源。对于这样一种矿藏的开采,急待研制性能良好的开采工具,本文研究的机械手就是这样一种试制的进行海洋矿产开采的工具。本文是在中南矿冶研究院金星教授的海洋开发项目《深海热液硫化物可视抓网》研究基础上,主要对其开发试制的机械手进行虚拟样机的研究,主要内容包括:对连杆运动学数学理论空间向量的坐标转换进行了分析,对连杆动力学方程—拉格朗日动力学方程进行了推导;分析了机械手结构设计方法并对机械手的零部件在SolidWorks中进行了建模及其装配,而且对机械手的结构进行了分析;运用有限元软件Workbench建立了机械手的有限元模型,运用米塞斯强度屈服理论,针对机械手固定爪臂的极端工况下的强度校核;运用COSMOSMotion动力学分析软件对机械手进行了刚体静力学及动力学的仿真,对机械手的运动学物理量进行了分析,并研究了重力对机械手运动的影响。 【英文摘要】With the increasing of the population,the mankind face the situation of the resource decreased day by day,and the decreace of the inland resource make people divert the target where to exploit the resource to the space and ocean.The ocean covers an area of 71% on the earth,and the exploiting potential is inestimable.So it is simply a cornucopia in which the sorts of mineral resources are marvelous. It contains a lot of polymetallic nodules and sulphides,which is important to the development of the mankind.In recent years,the scientists discovered such a mineral resources called “Hydrothennal sulfide” which is much worth to be exploited at the bottom of the ocean.It is a promising benthal mineral resource whose shape is lump or soft mud,and the quantity is quite tremendous. But it is urgent to manufacture a mining tool with good performance for the exploitation of it,and the manipulator researched in this context is such a trail tool used to exploit the mineral.This paper will focus on research of the virtual prototype of the trail manipulator based on the research of the ocean exploitation project”visual capturing net for Hydrothennal sulfide in deep sea” which is directed by professor Jinxing of Central-South Research Institute of Mining and Metallugy.The main contents are as follows:firstly gave the analysis of coordinate


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