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李阳疯狂英语经典诵读短文 The Old Farmer An old farmer had spend all his life on his farm in the countryside, far from the city. One day, he dicided to visit the big city. Everything was new and strange to him, because this was the first time he had traveled to the city. He went into a large hotel and saw an elevator. As he watched, an old lady got into the elevator and closed the door. After a while, the door opened again and a very pretty young girl came out. The old farmer was amazed. “What an incredible little room! ” he said to himself. “It’s magic! It can change an old woman into a young girl. The next time I come here, I’m going to bring my wife along. ” 【注释】incredible adj. 难以置信的;不可思议的 【译文】 老农民 一个老农民一辈子住在远离城市的乡下农场里。有一天他决定到大城市里去观光。他觉得城市里的一切又新鲜,又奇特,因为这是他第一次到城市去旅行。他走进一家大旅馆,看见那里的电梯。当他瞧着???时候,一位老太太走进电梯关上了门。过了一会儿,门开了,一位年轻美貌的姑娘从电梯里走了出来。老农民惊呆了。“这真是一个不可思议的小房间啊!”他自言自语地说:“这简直是魔术!它能把一个老太太变成年轻姑娘。下次我再来的时候,我要带我的老婆一起来。” Reading Makes a Full Man We see that the real factor by which a “full man” is made is neither education nor experience; it is reading. By reading scientific treatises, we are informed of many facts; by reading geography, we know the earth’s surface, forms, physical features etc.; by reading history, we are told of the growth of nations. With eyes we can see; with ears we can hear. But at a distance, small objects can hardly be distinguished by naked eyes, and ordinary sounds are not audible to our ears without a transmiter. It is by reading that we can know many things without actually seeing or hearing them. Besides, a fair knowledge of what the world is thinking and doing can only be acquired by reading newspapers and magazines. Therefore, no matter how advanced our education may be, or how much experience we may have, we cannot become “full man” unless we keep on reading. 【注释】 ① factor n. 因素;要素 ② treatise [tri:tis]? n.(专题)论文 ③ distinguish [disti?gwi?]? v. 分辨;区别 ④ naked adj.裸露的;光体的 naked eyes肉眼 ⑤ audible [?:d?bl]? adj.听得见的


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