I speak Chater 4I speak Chapter 4.doc

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I speak Chater 4I speak Chapter 4

Chapter 4 TELEVSION AND THE MEDIA PART I. GETTING THE MAIN IDEAS A. Listen to the following conversation about TV and newspapers. You may not understand every word. Listen for the main ideas. B. Listen again. Write the following stressed words in the correct place: sports programs day family joking don’t news (twice) right guess tell point time hate six here watch American terrible minutes this not thirty Barbara: Hey, listen to ____this_____! The average_____American ____ _______ family_____watches ___six____hours of TV a day. Marsha: A ____day___________ !You’re ______joking_______. Barbara: No, it says so___right _______ _____here______in this magazine. Marsha: I _guess_ I’m__not__ an average American. I usually _don’t__ _watch__TV at all. Most of the _____programes___ are __ __terrible____. Barbara: Well, a lot of the programs are bad, but some are okay. And what about the ____sports____and ____news___? Marsha: Well, yeah, I guess sports are okay. But for __news___, I prefer a good newspaper. Barbara: Why do you say that? Marsha: Well, first I ___hate__ all those commercials, and then the TV news stories never ___tell_ you very much. Barbara: Well, they don’t have enough__time__ to say very much in __thirty_ __minutes___. Marsha: That’s my __point__. A newspaper has more information, and you can read just what you want to. C. Now listen again. Repeat each sentence after the speaker. Remember that stressed words are louder and clearer than unstressed words. D. Listen to the rest of the conversation. Write the important words. Your notes should look like a telegram. Afterward, try to retell the conversation, using your notes. 1. Barbara: yeah, I know what you mean. 2. Marsha: hey, look at this. 3. Barbara: what? 4. Marsha: There’s an article here about a TV drama that sounds great. 5. Barbara: Don’t tell me you want to watch TV. 6. Marsha: Well, the magazine says it’s terrific. Can I stay here to watch it? 7. B



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