Unit 7 Woul you mind turning down the musicUnit 7 Would you mind turning down the music.doc

Unit 7 Woul you mind turning down the musicUnit 7 Would you mind turning down the music.doc

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Unit 7 Woul you mind turning down the musicUnit 7 Would you mind turning down the music

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? I.教学目标 1.能使用目标语言礼貌的提出要求。2. 能使用目标语言表示歉意 3. 能写一张留言条。4..了解其它国家相关的文化背景。5. 能比较熟练的使用目标语言写一封complaint letter 可供教师参考的任务型活动 Sample 1: Show us 这是一个4-6人小组活动。通过这个活动,使学生们进一步了解和感受目标语言的情景。 把学生分成4-6人的小组。分别预备一个他们在日常生活中碰到的令人生气的情景。 操作建议 1. 组织学生们一起思考描述这些情景所需要的语言。 如一组学生表演吸烟的情景,教师可以提供一个范例:Would you mind not smoking? Not at all. I’ll stop right now. 2. 学生们开始在课堂上展示他们设计的情景教师引导其它学生用目标语言来描述这些情景。 3. 引导学生归纳目标语言。 完成任务所需要的语言结构 Would you mind not smoking? Not at all. I’ll stop right now.Would you mind turning down the music? OK. I’ll do it right away. Sample 2: Opposites 这是一个全班同学参与的游戏。在完成游戏的过程中,学生们进一步熟练使用目标语言。 操作建议 1. 把全班同学分成两个大组(Team A Team B)。 2. 教师与两个组的四位同学做一个示范: Teacher: Well, we are going to present an example. Make sure that you know how to do it. Student A1: Would you mind coming to class early? Student B1: Would you mind not coming to class late? Student B 2: Would you mind talking softly? Student A 2: Would you mind not talking loudly?(When a student from Team A makes a statement, a student from Team B says a sentence that means almost the same thing, but uses opposite language. A team gets a point each time a team member says a correct opposite sentence.) 3. 确认全班同学都明确游戏规则后,开始活动。教师可以自己做记分员, 也可请一位同学承担。 4.公布比赛的结果。 完成任务所需要的语言结构 Would you mind not smoking here? Would you mind turning down the music? Sample 3: Finish the note on Page 54 这是一个两人小组活动。通过两个人的合作,完成这张留言条。目的在于通过这种指导性 的写作练习,学生们能书面使用目标语言礼貌的提出要求。 操作建议 1. 请一位同学读指示语。确认每位同学都已清楚任务要求。 2. 把下面三个结构写在黑板上:Would you mind……? Could you……? have to….. 3. 简单说明这几种结构都可以用来提出要求与请求。4. 指导学生共同来观察五幅图中描述的情景。5.小组活动开始。6. 请同学读本组的作品。教师和其他同学可一起点评。 完成任务所需要的语言结构 feed the dog cooking dinner go to the library/ return the book to the library do your homework Sample 4: Write a polite letter complaining about three things to your new neighbour 这是在self check中的一个活


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