王朝杰 四级翻译填空讲座王朝杰 四级翻译填空讲座.doc

王朝杰 四级翻译填空讲座王朝杰 四级翻译填空讲座.doc

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王朝杰 四级翻译填空讲座王朝杰 四级翻译填空讲座

PAGE  PAGE 15 CET-4 Part VI Chinese-English Translation 一、题型概览 大学英语四级考试中中译英共五道题,其形式主要为句子翻译,即给出5个不完整的英文句子,要求考生根据括号内的中文表达来进行相应的翻译,将所缺内容补充完整。此部分主要考察英语的常用句型、习惯表达和语法知识等语言能力。 中译英的主要设置特点: 五个句子长短不等(15-20词),既有简单句,又有复合句。 每个句子中所缺单词为7个左右;所填部分大多位于句末,偶尔有一个位于句首或句中。 考查点主要是语法知识和一些常用的英语表达。 所需翻译的中文句子或短语,其表达具有独立完整性,并与句子其他部分的句义保持连贯。 需要翻译的英文答案范围不会过于宽泛,具有一定的唯一性。 二、应试技巧 (一)熟记四级常考词组和搭配 For be in for…一定会遇到(麻烦等)/参加???比赛)call for… 要求、需要 care for… 照顾、照料/喜欢 have a fancy for…喜爱、迷恋、爱好 on the alert against/for… 警戒着、防备着 be bound for… 到某个地方去/一定(成功等) In give in 屈服、妥协、让步/ 交上、递交 persist in 坚持 abound in/with (物产)丰富/富于、充满 be abundant in… 丰富、富于 decrease/increase in 减少/增长 Of at the cost of…/ be aware of…/ be conscious of…/be capable of…/be composed of…/be free of/from…./by means of…/by virtue of…/for the sake of…/get rid of…/in honor of…/in spite of…/in terms of…/in the name of…/on the ground of…根据/ rob sb of…/ On live on/press on 强加于/ elaborate on…对。。。详细说明/ cast/shed/throw light on…使明白、阐明 To /into be bound to 一定、必定 /get down to/ in proportion to…按。。。的比例、与。。。成正比/ owing to../prior to/ with respect to/in respect to/ bump into 偶然遇到、遇见/ run into 遇到(困难)、偶遇(人)、共计/ With be honest with( loyal/faithful)/ on good terms with… 和。。。关系好/ catch up with/ deposit sth with sb 把某物寄存在某人处/ identical to/with/ in comparison with/ (in) conflict with 冲突、抵触/in harmony with 协调、和谐、融洽/ 重点介词短语: Rather than/ other than/ more than/ no more than/ Far from/apart from/instead of/ regardless of/ in detail/in general/on purpose/by chance/ by accident/ on time/ in time/ in need of/ in face of/ in favor of/ in praise of/next to/ out of/ due to/ in all / in fact/in reality/ in effect / in short/ in return/ in turn/ in search of/ in place of/ for lack of/ for fear of/ by nature/ in nature/ in case/ in preference to/ in agreement with/ in exchange for/along with/together with/as well as/ according to/ in addition to/besides/apart from/ in place/ out of place/ in/at sight/ in vain/ at home/ at will/beyond reac



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